This is the Message Centre for Researcher U197087
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Researcher U197087 Started conversation Mar 21, 2004
History repeats...
psychocandy-moderation team leader Posted Mar 21, 2004
I hope I won't sound patronizing, love, but it's only when you haven't learned from your history that you're doomed to repeat it.
Eventually, things get to the point where the past is better left where it belongs, in the past, and the present and future take hold. It might just be my opinion, but I think you're doing quite well in the present, holding your own and working towards your goals as best you are able. And the future holds great things for you, not just because I intend to be a big part of it.
Your past has made you the wonderful, screwed-up person you are, but you own *it*, it doesn't own you. Keep the faith, love.
History repeats...
imsogreen ( in search of music related quotes ) Posted Mar 21, 2004
horray! i am so happy for you! but heck you had me worried for a while there i feel like sitting down for a drink and find out how you've been, but a virtual one would do i think
take care
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