A Conversation for Luna's Friendly Chat room.

D/s chat room!

Post 1

Mark the Strange

Hi there, thought i would drop by and say hello.
There isnt any dom chat around!
It gets started then peeters out ( cowards)!!!!

D/s chat room!

Post 2

Dave M - touched by an angel once known as Caroline400

C'mon then Mark, YOU start, we're all waiting! smiley - biggrin


D/s chat room!

Post 3


Well hello Mark.
Dave is right, why don't YOU start, tell us what your likes are! Maybe your a bit scared of me! smiley - biggrin

smiley - blackcat Purrrrrr....

D/s chat room!

Post 4

I'm not really here


D/s chat room!

Post 5


Hello Mina, feel free to lurk here any time smiley - smiley

smiley - blackcat

D/s chat room!

Post 6

Mark the Strange

Now then, this is a challenge!!!
what do I like?

sub male, occaisional maid and likes being tied up

any offers?

D/s chat room!

Post 7

Mark the Strange

and a particular liking for latex / rubber clothing
Skin two, honour, fairygothmother etc!!!
I could always do with a Xmass pressie!

D/s chat room!

Post 8

Mark the Strange

see !!!!

D/s chat room!

Post 9


Hi Mark smiley - smiley
How's your butt smiley - laugh
Are you suggesting I'm a coward?
When I spanked you, at your request, I explained, & you agreed this was quite difficult to do on a family site. I assume you. like me, view a lot of this kind of stuff on the internet, so you'll be aware that age verification is often requested. So unless you want a chat stream of hidden posts, we have to be very careful what we post.
You didn't say anything to me about being tied up though.

Hi Mina smiley - smiley you keeping an eye on us smiley - laugh

Foxy smiley - handcuffs

D/s chat room!

Post 10

Mark the Strange

Sorry Foxy, This comment wasnt aimed at you.
Your space is very er...... attractive?
This was a more general comment aimed at no one specific really.
Just a feeling!

D/s chat room!

Post 11

Mark the Strange

Any comment Moon girl!!
Submissive doen't mean scared!smiley - devil
Well not alwayssmiley - cheers

D/s chat room!

Post 12


That's ok Mark, I'll let you off smiley - laugh
Did you have a nice xmas?
Are you going to any new year parties or pubs?
The pubs near me are by ticket only. I'm not much of a drinker, I'll be having a quiet night in with some whiskey & lemonade.

Foxy smiley - handcuffs

D/s chat room!

Post 13

Loup Dargent

"wonders if he should mention the batman outfit he keeps for special occasions..."

some smiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubbly to celebrate the new year...

and some smiley - crackersmiley - crackersmiley - crackersmiley - crackersmiley - cracker too...

talk soon...smiley - surfer

loupsmiley - fullmoon

D/s chat room!

Post 14

Dave M - touched by an angel once known as Caroline400

Go for it loup!
Who knows what might happen! smiley - biggrin

Dave smiley - smiley

D/s chat room!

Post 15

Loup Dargent

smiley - biggrin

i think i mentioned the batman outfit months ago in the LD library months ago...smiley - biggrin but i wonder if my reputation will survive this info being put on the net...smiley - yikessmiley - laugh

mmmmm... more smiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubbly

smiley - cracker

smiley - surfer

loupsmiley - fullmoon

D/s chat room!

Post 16

Loup Dargent

did i mention it was months ago?!...smiley - biggrin

smiley - surfer

loupsmiley - fullmoon

D/s chat room!

Post 17


A batman outfit!?
No it don't do nothing for me. Not really come under a uniform does it Loupsmiley - moon? Not like a fireman or a policeman uniform. Must admot, I prefer my slaves to be naked, except for a thong. Don't want them putting me off my .

D/s chat room!

Post 18


Now I swear I clicked preview then.smiley - doh Intended to go find the smileys I wanted then return to complete it correctly. Must be gremlins in the system today!

Foxysmiley - handcuffs

D/s chat room!

Post 19

Loup Dargent

smiley - biggrin

i'm not talking about the old fashion style batman outfit [a la adam westsmiley - yikes]... i'm talking 1990s movie style batman outfit...smiley - laugh

i'm a bit confused tho'... as i said on a previous post it's for special occasions... why on earth would i go naked to a comic books convention i wonder?!...smiley - whistlesmiley - biggrin

smiley - biggrinsmiley - smileysmiley - laughsmiley - run

smiley - surfer

loupsmiley - fullmoon

D/s chat room!

Post 20


Your confused Loup!? This conversation thread is about D/s (Dominance & submission) so I natually assumed you thought there was something errotic about your batman outfit.

What has comic books conventions got to do with errotica and D/s? smiley - smiley

Foxy smiley - handcuffs

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