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am i here all alone?

Post 41

Ani K

ever heard the song 'she's all on my mind'? by marti...the intro is the best bit soul sax

am i here all alone?

Post 42


if you like sax you need some Stan Getz...I'll play it when you come over

on a loop

am i here all alone?

Post 43

Ani K

i'll bring my volin over 2. u goin' 2 cook a romanitc meal then?

am i here all alone?

Post 44


hows 2 pot noodles and a coke sound?

am i here all alone?

Post 45


Anita I heard that!

It was a joke!

am i here all alone?

Post 46

Ani K

u were suppose 2 hear that too! ive sent a pic over 2 u.

am i here all alone?

Post 47


gotta go sugar pie!

am i here all alone?

Post 48

Ani K

nice talkin' to yah. take care & have a good evenin'.

am i here all alone?

Post 49

Ani K

Brad you fallan out with me?

am i here all alone?

Post 50


why ?

am i here all alone?

Post 51

Ani K

coz i seem 2 get the feeling ur blankin me out coz i sent that pic 2 yah last night.

am i here all alone?

Post 52


Anita! I'm not blanking you!

I've got a mag to get out before fRiday..really I'm sorry if it looks like that...if its any consolation your not the first poster here to accuse me of blanking them...I must come across like thaht sometimes


here I'll give you a foot massage to make up for it

I'll start with the Piggy that went to market

am i here all alone?

Post 53

Ani K

how about head to toe massage? that would make up for neg' me.

am i here all alone?

Post 54


blame the boss.....!

I'll do head to toe then.......a long sensual journey making a few stops along the way at tourist point of interest

am i here all alone?

Post 55

Ani K

possible you could stop @ a few places.

am i here all alone?

Post 56


Wigan? Luton ? where?

am i here all alone?

Post 57

Ani K

head 2 toe massage stop @ certain places on my body

am i here all alone?

Post 58


Im there...sailing across the curves....

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