This is the Message Centre for Smudger879n


Post 1


What did you think of the entry on Pacific Glory?



Post 2


It was that story that brought me to this site, a long time ago. As I was on the HMS Zulu at the time the Pacific Glory sank, and we were sent out, as duty ship, to help with the rescue.

It was nightmare for us, as half our crew were in leave, after returning from a gruelling two year stint in the Gulf.

I was on duty for 72 hours without a break! We had to go into the sea, (which was on fire with the floating fuel being in the surface) in a small Gemini rubber boat, looking for survivors, but we never found any?

So, the whole thing has stayed in my memory, after all those years.

smiley - cheersSmudger.


Post 3


I've had a look round and see we're having this conversation in two other placessmiley - doh:

Maybe we should stick to F105749?thread=228848


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