A Conversation for How to hack NT.

Collaborative Writing Workshop: A885341 - How to hack NT.

Post 1


Entry: How to hack NT. - A885341
Author: Rooster - U197995

For your information,

A885341 - How to hack NT.

Post 2

Oberon2001 (Scout)

It's quite disturbing that it's that easy, but anyway...
A few typos -> "favorit" should be "favourite" (Note= Proper English is used in the EG, not American.)
-> "The world would be a nice place", not a "noce place"
-> The sentence "On earth, one of the favorit hobbies of people is doing harm to other people." doesn't make sense. smiley - sorry
-> "Walkthrough"
-> "remeber" should be "remember"
On the plus side, I like the ending. It adds a bit of humour to the entry. smiley - ok

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Collaborative Writing Workshop: A885341 - How to hack NT.

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