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I Miss H2G2 :-(

Post 1


I suppose DNA is happy.....The Guide is a hit. It's become huge.....a marketing success.

I miss last year. Back when it was coming together. Back when it was a community.

It's not that anymore. It can't be. All of us who were here for the last year and a half(almost) knew this day would come. When the Guide would get so large it could not be enjoyed.

When it would become it's intended purpose. A repository of useful, as well as not so useful, knowledge compiled by amatures.

Now some of those amatures consider themselves pros. If only they were.

Mr. Adams.....your guide has become what you predicted in your "trilogy" ungainly, unfeeling massive directory.

To paraphrase....If you give 1000 monkeys 1000 typewriters, in a year and a half they can set you up one hell of a beauracracy compleate with a fully operational pecking order.

If you don't believe that, see if the first person in here(if there are any) doesn't correct my spelling mistakes first off!!!!

"Goodnight Sweet Princess, Whoever You Are!"


I Miss H2G2 :-(

Post 2


I fully agree NM. I tried to get that same message across for several months now, albeit a bit more subtle...smiley - winkeye. It's just that being subtle apparently doesn't work any longer on h2g2.

As for the newbies :

Yes, some ruin the fun for the veterans-researchers.
As for the rest : I made about 7 or 8 people sign up for h2g2 and lately I get the feeling that I shouldn't have done that. I told them what h2g2 was all about but the old definition doesn't apply anymore.

To say this bluntly : H2g2 feels more and more like f*****g Usenet.

I sincerely believe that DNA's goal of a complete online-repository of "Terran knowledge" will never ever be met the way it's going now. 75 % of the fora are about boozing, drinking and whatever.

It's not so long ago that you could actually talk about real subjects and get good input back. Nowadays one can only learn something about virtual drinking. Good, great, thank you...


I Miss H2G2 :-(

Post 3


Real subjects? I havn't found any of those in a long time. I use to enjoy a bit of a jouist(sp) over in the government and religion forums. After I got my good thrashing there, I could go back to the "Fiction forums" and poke a bit of fun at whoever was making up the "garbage" today! It took my mind off the latest Article I was considering writing, sure....but it wound me down for the eve!

There is an old saying that "Too many cooks spoil the broth".....looks as though we are there.smiley - sadface

I'm not familiar with Usenet......I've seen that comparison more than once in the last week......guess I need to see what it is!....Shall I

Tell Shazz I said "HI". Don't give up the Post just yet.......wait till one of the "pro" newbies step up to the plate!!!LOLsmiley - tongueout


I Miss H2G2 :-(

Post 4


Hi NM, those days men were real men, women were real women, and small furry......smiley - winkeye

And no no no, as far as I know Usenet is also a community or sorts... but it has no moderators...
So anything goes there, quite the jungle that the anti-internet lobby claims all of the web to be.

*Yes ?*
*NM says HI*
*Hi NM !* smiley - winkeye

TM.(Topic Minder)

I Miss H2G2 :-(

Post 5


Was I right, or wrong? No one has corrected my spelling mistakes, but you and I are the only ones here, TM! smiley - sadface

Well, it's not a surprise. Too many doors in the house!


I Miss H2G2 :-(

Post 6


Well...aktualy, I new you where goin too say too make you heppy, I korrected one if your typoos wen I kopied the entrie too my page... smiley - bigeyes

As for typos on forum-entries : DoH !!


I Miss H2G2 :-(

Post 7


Thanck ewe!

smiley - smileyNM

I Miss H2G2 :-(

Post 8


Nut at all smiley - bigeyes

I Miss H2G2 :-(

Post 9


Sowwy gyze... I haf to corect s/p's for the Post, but I prmis not to doit to uw ever agin!
shazzMPER smiley - winkeye

I Miss H2G2 :-(

Post 10



I Miss H2G2 :-(

Post 11


Yore tha' bestest;,,..thanks hole bunches!

smiley - winkeyeNM

I Miss H2G2 :-(

Post 12


Don't mention id my deer fello...


I Miss H2G2 :-(

Post 13


smiley - smiley


I Miss H2G2 :-(

Post 14


Especially not MY id... smiley - bigeyes


I Miss H2G2 :-(

Post 15


My Id? that sumpthin' lik that feller Homer wrote back a long time ago?....or iz this more 'long the sycological lines?

Ya' knows...that stuff Fraud rote!


I Miss H2G2 :-(

Post 16


Fraud? Ain't that wot sum geezer rote abaht lovin yure ma or somat like that?
shaxzPmre smiley - winkeye

I Miss H2G2 :-(

Post 17


Nah, dad's sex...


I Miss H2G2 :-(

Post 18


Ahhh... yu mean that stuff oldens dont do no more?
shaxzMpre smiley - winkeye

I Miss H2G2 :-(

Post 19


Define 'old'... smiley - winkeye

I Miss H2G2 :-(

Post 20


Not until u define stuff smiley - winkeye
shazz smiley - winkeye

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