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I Need A Time Out.

Post 1


I have worked 6 days a week every week since June 1st, 2004.

Well, that's not entirely true. I've been off for holidays, one week for vacation, and we actually only worked 5 days a week back in April of this year.

My yard is a mess and the home maintenence "honeydew" list is as thick as Websters Unabridged!.....And no end in sight!smiley - sadface

The bosses have mentioned going to 7 days a week. I did that for 2 years, once. I was single, wasn't a homeowner, and didn't have anything else to do. Oh, and I was MUCH younger! Even with that, I told myself I'd never do it again unless the poles were broke and the cable was down in the roadway.(I install utility poles for the telephone company)

Thats' ok. The Christmas holidays are coming. I'll have a fresh 2 week vacation benefit up and ready on the first of January. I'll get some rest....but I bet nothing much gets done around here.

Maybe when the days start getting longer again.

"Goodnight Sweet Princess, Whoever You Are."

I Need A Time Out.

Post 2


How's it goin NM. Long time no see smiley - smiley

I Need A Time Out.

Post 3


Good to see you, old friend.

Life is good. I've re-married. Young lady about my own age from the county I grew up in. Shes' sweet. Way too caring. I love it!

As I said, I've been working way too much.

So how is your world treating you?

(PS....How can I access "Terrible Tom"? I'd like my new wife to see that! It's just too good!)


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