This is the Message Centre for Blue-Eyed BiPedal BookWorm from Betelgeuse (aka B4[insertpunhere])
B4 - NaJoPoMo 21 Nov 2011 – Fractured Fairy Tales
Blue-Eyed BiPedal BookWorm from Betelgeuse (aka B4[insertpunhere]) Started conversation Nov 22, 2011
I understand from the guys down at the Weld Shop that when they install or repair a section of pipe, the circumference of the weld is actually stronger than the original components. It has something to do with how the welding material interacts with the two bonded metals, the heating and cooling rate, and the way the atomic compounds act in synergy with one another.
It can be analogous to how God helps us repair fractured parts of our life. His Word provides the foundation material to use in the repairs, the weld material, so to speak. (Psalm 12:6-7) When we allow the Word to be our standard of excellence and apply it correctly, it causes us to change for the better. (Ephesians 4:17-32) By standing in the gap for one another, by holding each other accountable, by treating your fellow human being with kindness, and by working toward a common goal we have a greater success. (Galatians 6:1-10; Luke 10:1-11 & 17-20; Matthew 22:35-40)
I was fractured. Certainly, I'd gone to church since I was a teenager, yet there were still things about this world and about God that I didn't understand. I'd been told to “take it on faith” concerning a number of different traditions of our church. It wasn't until I was shown the accuracy and integrity of the Word that all the disparate parts finally came together. I've since been able to change some of my not-so-good habits into better behavior and a more above-board lifestyle. (Philippians 4:13)
My wife, A---, was fractured. She had several issues from her childhood years that plagued her, even into adulthood. The problems were compounded after her father passed away, while she was still a sophomore in high school. When she was shown the true loving-kindness of God, she was able to reconcile the earlier transgressions and move on in her life. (1 John 1:5; Ephesians 4:32)
A young boy is fractured. I talked to him in a multiplayer on-line racing game (that I mentioned in a previous Journal Entry) using my Bluetooth headset. Another player had opened the conversation about God and how he didn't believe in such a divine spiritual entity. We discussed several differing viewpoints and covered a lot of ground. Then the young lad divulged his sister had been in a horrendous auto accident and been hurt severely. She'd had brain surgery and had recovered, yet the brother said he still had the image of her injuries so vivid in his memory that it hurts him to think about it. At one point, the boy asked “why would God let me see such a terrible thing and how come I have to deal with the pain of what I saw?” I had to give it a moment's thought, then I offered this up. I told him, “perhaps when you grow up you'll run into someone who has had something similar happen, and ~you~ will be the one to show the person how you overcame it and provide the compassion needed to help heal the person's heart.” It was his turn to take a moment to think. Then he let me know it helped in some small measure to consider it in light of what he could give in the future. We “friended” and I will offer my help to him as well.
There's a middle-aged woman who is fractured. I met her last night when A--- introduced us, because she was going to our church fellowship with us. As the evening played itself out, this lady confided in us a number of challenges she has faced, from her earliest years of youth even unto the present day. Despite all the turmoil in her life, she still remains hopeful and we saw her inherent strength. The thing she so desperately needed, though, was a true view of how God wants the best for her, too. And she needed to know there can be kind, gentle, sympathetic people around her that will help see her through all the situations she faces, so she doesn't have to feel like she's going it alone. We're there for her.
Who do you know that needs you? Who do you know that could stand to see God for the good heavenly father he truly is? Whose life can you touch in some small way to make it more pleasant and enjoyable? Okay, go spend some time with that individual, instead of reading my drivel.
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B4 - NaJoPoMo 21 Nov 2011 – Fractured Fairy Tales
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