This is the Message Centre for Diddy!

My absence

Post 1


Hiya all!

As you may or may not know I havent been around H2G2 for a while now.

I havent had an easy time of late. First of all a very dear friend of mine who i shared some really fun times with on LD had died start of April. He was only 42 so had gone in his prime. Not long after that I suffered a heart attack. Was only mild but just having a heart attack at the age of 26 has made me sit up n take a good hard look at myself. For years now iv felt iv wasted a large part of my life through drug addiction. 18 months ago through LD i met my beautiful partner who im very much in love with. Having a heart attack has made me feel how precious life is n also seeing a friend die way before his time has made me not only evaluate my life but actually do something about it.
Iv now turned a corner with my life n even though im not completely free of my drug addiction i feel im actually doing something constructive in my life.
I go to a drugs clinic n my counsellor has asked me if i wanted to sit on some of the counselling sessions with her n other drug users. Iv also been asked to give talks to students about how drug addiction can affect peoples lives.
Also last week i made the effort to start voluntary work. I go to old peoples homes so they can have company as some old people dont see anyone at all. So not only do they get benefit out of it i too have company as well. I suffered from agoraphobia on n off since i came off heroin so dont until now have much contact with people. Thats one of the reasons why iv decided to come back here with my friends. I used to enjoy the quotes in the library on LD n seen as most of the people i talk to are on here i thought i would come back!
Thats it for now anyway!
This is the first journal iv written n its well overdue i think smiley - smiley

My absence

Post 2

Loup Dargent

nice to see you back...smiley - bubblysmiley - bubbly

smiley - crackersmiley - discosmiley - crackersmiley - discosmiley - crackersmiley - discosmiley - crackersmiley - disco

you've got some catching up to do now... lots of things for you to have a look at..smiley - cool mmmmm... should have brought my bag with me as it's usually full of links...smiley - biggrin

talk later...smiley - surfer

loupsmiley - fullmoon

My absence

Post 3


Good for you, ,,,,, think positive and only positve things will happen.

Changing your life style can be a very traumatic thing to do, but for you it can only be a positve thing,, I read your journal entry and even though I dont know you, I was pleased for you,,,,
Keep up the good work and happy times with your love,,

Oh and what name did you have on LD?


My absence

Post 4

Reality Manipulator

hi phil

i am glad that you are back now. i hope that your health is much better now.smiley - smiley

please will you send me your emails as the email you sent me has disappeared from my email folder. all the emails after 10 pages have disappeared.smiley - ta

i have also a hotmail email and yahoo email. my hotmail email is [email protected]
and the yahoo is [email protected]


My absence

Post 5


hiya sue!

i got your name from your personal space hope you dont mind!

well i apologise for taking so long to reply back but cus im subscribed to 'ask h2g2' my messages tend to get lost! i didnt check to see if i had any new messages on my journal cu i didnt think anyone would reply to it!

thanks alot for your kind words.
my name on LD was Diddy! as well! i used the family room for a little while til i ended up in messaging every night so you might not have known me on there! everyone i seem to talk to has fond memoris of LD n even tho i had a couple of nasty experiences on the whole it was great cus of the friends i made in there. such a pity that alot of them went there separate ways n now lost touch smiley - sadface
i keep in touch with a few on here occasionally but do welcome new friends as well specially if they say nce things about me!
names phil if you didnt know but kat said my name in post 4 LOL


My absence

Post 6


hiya kat! the same apologies apply to you as they do for sue so if you have read post 5 then you will know why its taken me 6 days to reply to you!

you can actually get to your older emails if you delete some out of your inbox. its just a case of that there isnt room to show all your emails. you sound like me n never delete emails out!

iv got another activemail email address which i used to subscrbe to loads of things off the net n i stopped using it for a while n now theres over 1800 new emails! so i dont ever go in there now iv given up on it!

we will have to catch up some time. iv got your home address so when iv got time ill write you a letter OK?

take care kat hope to chat soon


My absence

Post 7


Hi Phill
I used the family room as well up to the last 12 months of LD, where I then spent more time in messaging. Dont think I ever saw you in the family room, but thats not surprising really when so many used the site,lol
I miss LD as well and like you ,, the friends I made seem to have now disappeared,even the ones I tried to keep in touch with via e-mails seem to have now stopped,, Sign of the times I guess smiley - smiley

How do you like this site? Im finding it hard to have a conversation with anyone, either they think im boring smiley - biggrin or they just disappear after one reply,lol

Still I will persevere and keep trying,lol

Oh and I dont mind you using my name,lol,, my fault for not putting it at the end of first post,,,


My absence

Post 8

Reality Manipulator

smiley - cheerssmiley - tathank you phil, i have now found your email addy in my inbox. i hope you are feeling better.smiley - hug

smiley - hugtake care philsmiley - hug

suesmiley - smiley


My absence

Post 9


hiya sue!

well yes youre correct there people from LD just seem to disappear. i would be happy to help you find friends if youve lost touch with anyone cus my girlfriend was very popular in family room n she talks to them all the time in MSN. its all i bloody here these days LOL glad she cant read this hee hee! no seriously let me know if you want to contact anyone n i will get you the email address. i bet youre wondering who my gf is arent you? ill ask her n see if she will let me tell you. she knows you cus iv already asked her! im just a bit reluctant to name names on this site cus there isnt any privacy wotsoever on here what with everyone been able ot read messages.
to be honest sue i havent really bothered t keep up with people in here i just look around. i felt with alot of people on LD once the friendship starts they cant get enough of you then the fascination goes or they start to use you. for instance i had a very good friend on LD n after a while she only got in touch whe she was down. iv always thought of friendships as a 2 way thing not 1 person making the effort.
maybe its easier giving my email address in case you want peoples addresses:-
[email protected]
to be honest i dont know of that many people from family room but you know what it was like people loved to gossip about peoples private lives n thats what i hate.
anyway iv waffled on too much LOL im on here most nights on n off throughout the night if you wanted to chat but i bet im up far too late for you (11pm-6am LOL)
take care sue


My absence

Post 10


hiya kat! smiley - hug

im not too bad at the mo but i did have to go back to the hospital this week cus the doc did a scan on me a while back n he wasnt happy with the drugs he prescribed me with so iv got to go on some new steroid based drugs n if they dont work iv got to have keyhole surgery. apparently one of my heart valves isnt very strong. im not sure whether its from my past drug abuse or from my weight (only 9 stone n are 6ft) which is doing it. either way iv got to put some weight on or its highly probable ill have another heart attack anytime.
you just dont think of heart attacks at my age do you?

so what you up to these days kat?

i think you went to the meet up didnt you?

thats not my cup of tea i get scared if there are alot of people about.

smiley - hugsmiley - hug


My absence

Post 11


Now im intrigued to know who your g/f is,lol
Wont be on much today as the youngest daughter gets wed today, check out my journal for details,lol

Will email you tomorrow,,,,,

If your g/f knows me then I must know her,lol

Not to bothered about finding anyone off LD,, like you said they end up abusing your friendship(well some of them do),,The ones that matter stay your friends,,

chat soon ,,,,,,,SUEsmiley - hug

My absence

Post 12


hiya sue!

im gonna go to bed in a min but heres a clue before a go! you met her when you went on a night out in birmingham not december 2001! thats not last xmas but the one before!

if you want to guess ill answer your email when you send one!

i hope everything goes well at your daughters wedding n ill be happy to read your journal

take care sue smiley - hug's for you


My absence

Post 13


Now I am intriqued,,, was that the first meet I went on or the second?,lol


My absence

Post 14


ill find out where you went n let you know in email LOL

as far as i know there was about 5 women who went.

you'll have to try n guess!

my g/f will go mad if i tell you now before i let her know im gonna tell you but its fun LOL

rite def gonna go to bed now sue

smiley - hug's


My absence

Post 15


smiley - ok nite nite Phill,,, chat soon

take care
from sue,

My absence

Post 16


LOL,,, Does the name animal help me?,,lol


My absence

Post 17


animal? do you mean as a username?

nope youre wrong! hee! hee!

another clue but your last! her username had xxx on either side of her name!

if you guess please dont say her name in here i dont really like too much personal stuff being spoke about in here.
you see when people found out we was together most of her friends didnt want to know cus i was an ex heroin addict. they judged me on that rather than who i am.

anyway i was just turning off when i saw your messages!

have agreat day sue

smiley - hug's


My absence

Post 18


There was a lot of ppl with xxx around their names including me,lol

So she isnt who I was thinking about,, mmmmmmmmm ,,will have to rethink now,lol

nite nite

My absence

Post 19

Reality Manipulator

hi philsmiley - hug

i have been on a new directions course for women, i have had taster sessions in aromatherapy, ti chai, flower arranging, french, pschyology and desk-top publishing. i will be going on a french beginners course that starts in september and finishes in easter. yes i was at the meet. i have got my photo back. i delayed getting the film processed - a few photo's did not cme out very well.smiley - smiley

i do not like travelling on the underground all those escalators, crowded trains and very narrow platforms. i petrified i am going to fall onto the track. it has happened to others.smiley - smiley

smiley - hugyes it is very young to have a heart attack.smiley - hug i hope you won't have to have surgery done.smiley - hug


My absence

Post 20


hi kat
smiley - hug's for you

now psychology is def my cup of tea! im really interested in getting involved in that maybe going on a college course or something myself.
so what was it like then? you find it any use?
im glad youre going out n doing new things it will save you getting bored n you can make some new friends.
iv got a camera thats halfway through at the mo but its an advantix one which apparentely costs a fortune to develop. the actual film for the camera costs £5.25 n £5.99 to develop! spose its worth it if the pics are nice. they were taken in prestatyn last monday as me n my gf went there for the day for her birthday. i wouldnt recommend it as theres nothing there but it was nice to get out for a while n get away from this place for a while

smiley - hugsmiley - hug

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