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Toybox journal - Why are you crying? Did you think I was immortal?
toybox Started conversation Jan 24, 2011
Ach crivens, the news of BBC "disposing of" h2g2 is quite a blow. Even though they won't shut it just abruptly and will ease any transition to wherever it is we are heading and so on. (In which case I have to complain that "disposal" is a most unfortunate choice of word.)
I don't really believe it will be saved and go on as before, not anymore. I have the (unmotivated) feeling that h2g2 survived Rupert because of the novelty of online communities and strong presence of Douglas Adams, and in those times there were plenty of members with energy and time on their hand. Nowadays, there are enough alternatives around where you can keep in touch with hootooers, and some of us got old and busy with less time or resources to devote to keeping this wonderful site afloat.
I mean, 51 members are currently logged on h2g2. I know it doesn't mean the Community is only 51 persons strong, but still: can we hold the weigh of the Guide on our shoulders?
Some Researchers believe we can, and I admire them for it:
so a big round of and
to you all.
And I want to believe this will work out. But just now, I cannot quite brush up much optimism.
Regarding the Subject line, you may have recognised Louis XIV's last words. Let's hope they won't be hootoo's.
Toybox journal - Why are you crying? Did you think I was immortal?
Felonious Monk - h2g2s very own Bogeyman Posted Jan 24, 2011
I'm pretty sanguine about it, but then, I was always cynical about warm fuzzy claims to 'community' that h2g2 made.
Reading between the lines of the BBC announcment, I don't think that they want to support 'communities' of limited social appeal any more. They want to make their main website more social instead. So I suppose we'll have comments and discussion threads on news articles as a matter of course.
On the whole, I agree. I spent a lot of time here, helped build the site, wrote a lot for it and then it'll end up being mothballed, probably. It doesn't detract from the friends I have made here or the pleasure I have had writing for h2g2 in any way. That was then, this is now, the world has moved on and everything, as the Buddhists like to remind us, is impermanent. Even h2g2.
Toybox journal - Why are you crying? Did you think I was immortal?
aka Bel - A87832164 Posted Jan 24, 2011
Well, I cried when I found out, and I'm not ashamed to admit it. However, I've started to save what I can:
and I'll create one for all the other articles once google lets me (they want to send me an sms to confirm it is me creating all those blogs, but I don't want them to know my phone number).
Toybox journal - Why are you crying? Did you think I was immortal?
McKay The Disorganised Posted Jan 25, 2011
Toybox journal - Why are you crying? Did you think I was immortal?
toybox Posted Jan 31, 2011
I am impressed with the wonderful efforts put together by the Community to save h2g2. And, you know what? It even makes me feel rather optimistic
I wish I had more time to follow the consortium's activities.
Toybox journal - Why are you crying? Did you think I was immortal?
Vip Posted Jan 31, 2011
When we get a proper news feed up and running it will keep you in the pipeline.
Don't worry, the fact that you are here and posting is contribution enough.
Toybox journal - Why are you crying? Did you think I was immortal?
TRiG (Ireland) A dog, so bade in office Posted Oct 17, 2011
Toybox journal - Why are you crying? Did you think I was immortal?
toybox Posted Oct 17, 2011
Painlessly (for us bystanders at least ) and most efficiently, too: it feels just like home!
That's one more thing to add when people ask "what's so special about h2g2?" -- a bunch of very, very dedicated Researchers who made sure to keep the site and community well alive and kicking
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Toybox journal - Why are you crying? Did you think I was immortal?
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