This is the Message Centre for Recumbentman

Aisling Out Walking

Post 1


I have another band on the go: a sweet singer called Aisling Walsh with the talented James Quah on ukulele and myself on u-bass. We did a spot in the Ukulele Hooley By the Sea in August, and the girls from Cheltenham have invited us to perform at the third Ukulele Festival of Great Britain, taking place on the first weekend of June 2012.

We're expanding our repertoire, and we've already booked our flights.

Aisling Out Walking

Post 2

Metal Chicken

Although I missed most of the festival, I did get to Cheltenham this year for the Sunday ukulele busk joining a huge crowd of uke players in the middle of the shopping centre. That was lots of fun. smiley - smiley I thoroughly recommend staying around for that if they do it again next year.


Aisling Out Walking

Post 3


I was there last year for the first festival, but not this year. This year I went to Sint-Niklaas for the Belgian festival, which was terrific.

Aisling Out Walking

Post 4


Here's me, there

Aisling Out Walking

Post 5

Metal Chicken

Thanks for th link, we enjoyed watching your youtube videos. Tickets now organised for this year's Uke festival, so I'm looking forward to seeing you play in real life at Cheltenham smiley - musicalnotesmiley - smiley

Aisling Out Walking

Post 6


Thank you MC! You might even write a rimickle on us!

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