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I want my sausages

Post 1


I'm a vegan, but I do like sausages. There are several brands of veggie sausages available, and they fry up nicely, but some of them contain egg-white and milk protein, which is what I am most keen to avoid.

I became vegan about four years ago, when I read T. Colin Campbell's book 'The China Study'. He has had a career as a nutritionist, publishing in the scientific journals, and he is convinced that we don't need to eat protein at all. More than that, he repeated an experiment first done by an Indian researcher, feeding lab rats high-protein and low-protein diets, having started up cancers in their livers. The high-protein ones all died of the cancer, and the low-protein ones all survived, healthy, active and glossy, for the entire duration of the experiment (two years, the normal life span of those rats).

Not many scientific experiments produce such stark results: 100% to 0.

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I want my sausages

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