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National vegetarian week

Post 1


Begins today apparently. Just thought I'd mention it.

smiley - coolsmiley - ok hoorah

National vegetarian week

Post 2


They don't go so far as the bowel specialist quoted by a friend, who said that there is as bad as an epidemic of bowel cancer now, and the link to red meat is every bit as clear as the link between lung cancer and smoking . . .

National vegetarian week

Post 3


Oh no. At the moment there is a nasty bug going around in Germany:

and they say one of the causes is vegetables* smiley - yikes

OK, more precisely raw and unwashed vegetables might carry the incriminated bacteria (along with various raw-ish delicatessen), and so it is recommended to clean them thoroughly and cook vigorously. Which, being a carnivor with no redeeming feature, I translate as "avoid vegetables at all cost".

National vegetarian week

Post 4


That's what I would call selective quoting you're doing there!

To expand, "The bacterium is commonly transmitted through contaminated raw or undercooked ground meat products or milk, but disease experts said there was evidence that uncooked vegetables might have helped to spread the latest outbreak." smiley - tongueout

National vegetarian week

Post 5


Selective quoting? Ah, foiled again! I knew I shouldn't have linked to the article smiley - biggrin

National vegetarian week

Post 6


Also, this is why I put an asterisk in the posting. I've noticed that, in advertisement, an asterisk always seems to mean "the previous sentence is a lie" smiley - silly

National vegetarian week

Post 7


All propositions are lies (well, what Wittgenstein established is that none can express the truth) and the advertising industry and its offshoot the political industry make full use of this apparent carte blanche.

Just as the neo-Platonists did.

(Does that mean we'll soon have another Augustine?)

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