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I've been tubed

Post 1


I took part in the Ukulele Hooley in Dublin on the 16th of August, and today I find I have been uploaded to YouTube for the first time. Strange feeling, that. Going round the YouBend.

I've been tubed

Post 2

Edward the Bonobo - Gone.

And I've recently Tubed myself. Those who know my RL name can find it, in combination with the word 'Elephant'. It's me doing a gig a couple of years ago. I come in pt 1, 7:00. (The quality's appalling, I'm afraid)

I always imagine that You Tube must have been set up by Scots. True? Only...'You tube!' means something over here.

I've been tubed

Post 3


Can't hear much of the words, apart from your apology for speaking English smiley - erm

I've been tubed

Post 4

Edward the Bonobo - Gone.

I also taught them some Scots. smiley - smiley The word 'outwith'. My tame perfesser has been using it ever since. The other week she used it in front of my two English colleagues, as a private joke between us.

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