A Conversation for Online Friends
Online Friends
mistylaneyj Started conversation May 17, 2006
Paulie , I have just discovered your post ! Brilliant ! Having gone through a harrowing experience ( and it's by no means over ) I have found many answers here ! This article contains amazing insights and truths ! Wow !
Online Friends
philosopher2 Posted Jun 5, 2006
Not my experience! I find that nobody on my messenger lists is ever on line. A lot of my friends don't even want to be put on my messenger lists- who knows why?
But also many people in the UK still use dial up connections for the internet. They just duck in, check out and dive out again, so you are unlikely to meet up with them.
I think the extensive use of mobile phones is killing web-messaging before it even gets off the ground. As regards logging into dating agencies etc to find new friends- I don't need it. But I would like to get some use out of my webcam somehow. Any ideas?
Online Friends
redorchid Posted Aug 21, 2006
I just viewed your mail to-day. I find all my friends have broadband. I started with the dial up to get used to it, so everyone is different. I am new to corresponding, this is my third time and so far I have not had any response. I think you have to keep going and realise that people are on at different times due to their life-style, and what is happening at that period in their life.
Anytime you are on I will be glad to reply.
Online Friends
philosopher2 Posted Sep 2, 2006
Thanks for the encouragement. I have I think 88 contacts, admittedly some of them in different time zones, but here we are on a Saturday evening with nothing on TV and not one of them on line. Perhaps they all communicate with their mobile phones but that's a very expensive way to do it. I'd love to take up your offer but I'm not sure if we are allowed to give away our e-mails on this site. Well taking that risk mine is [email protected] but I shall be away next week.
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