A Conversation for The Art Of Ringing

Peer Review: A871355 - The Art Of Ringing

Post 1


Entry: The Art Of Ringing - A871355
Author: VIP (very important Princess) Glad to be feeling human again.. - U188069

This was taken over in the Flea Market from U200819, Universal. It doesn't really follow what he wrote, and I have taken a completely different tack, so it might not count as that any more. Anyway, here it is, hope you understand it! I would put a diagram or two in, but I have no idea how.


A871355 - The Art Of Ringing

Post 2

McKay The Disorganised

And I thought it was just yanking on a rope smiley - smiley

I think it would be better called Campanology, but thats just because it says exactly what it is.

The diagram piece IS a trifle confusing, but because I knew what you were describing I could do it, don't know how someone who didn't would get on, you might like to simplify it by saying the bell is attached to a flywheel by a long rope to enable a single person to move a piece of metal whose weight can be measured in tons. smiley - doh

Though now I've read it that may not help either....

Ah well busy time of year coming up for you so I wont delay you any longer. smiley - reindeer

A871355 - The Art Of Ringing

Post 3


Thanks. Yeah, the title was a bit of a last minute 'what he hell am I going to call *this*' type thing.

The diagram... I don't know. If i could put a picture in I think it would simplify things hell of a lot. I wouldn't know what a flywheel is, I have to say, I presume it's just a wheel that goes round and round- which a bell wheel doesn't. Well, shouldn't smiley - winkeye.

Thanks for saying something so quickly, I really didn't expect it!

A871355 - The Art Of Ringing

Post 4

Trout Montague


There is already an Entry on Campanology ... A126596 ... it was discussed in F96661?thread=204987&latest=1.

My understanding is that whilst A126596 may need updating, PR isn't the place to do it.

This seems less helpful that is meant. Sorry.


A871355 - The Art Of Ringing

Post 5


Interesting piece. I enjoyed reading it.

I would suggest a change to the title if you are not going to use Campanology to The Art of Ringing Bells. Ringing by itself could mean many different things, not all of them nice or legal.

BTW, a flywheel is a device for storing kinetic energy. They are usually heavy and can be found in internal combustion engines. Not much use in bell ringing unless you want to automate the process.

smiley - oksmiley - stout


A871355 - The Art Of Ringing

Post 6

Mu Beta

The gist I can get from Jimster and Jimi X is that all pre-Rupert entries are cr*p by definition (except possibly A1422), and need updating. Everything should go through PR at least once, and I really can't see the harm in doing it pre-update - as long as TPTB know it is coming. All the fuss with the HHGTTG entry last week perhaps wasn't the best example of what I'm talking about.

Having said this, when I pointed this out to VIP, I was expecting her to read the relevant backlog and not just shove it in PR regardless.smiley - cross


A871355 - The Art Of Ringing

Post 7

Mu Beta

OK...I've been scouting around, because there's no clear procedure for updates yet.

The best place for this _is_ PR, but VIP should remove it before the week is up (or tell the Scouts not to pick it in this thread). Then it can go over to Jimi at the update HQ, A496451.


A871355 - The Art Of Ringing

Post 8


Sorry, I'm a little confused, what with this being my first entry and all. I still don't *really* understand how the system works. This is what I *think* happened and what I'm going to do. Please correct me.

I was made aware of article A808605 that was in the Flea Market. I wanted to take it on, but, me being me, I ended up doing something related, but different. This happens to be the same sort of thing as A126596. This means that it shouldn't be here, because there is no need for another entry. But it could supplement it, or replace it, or something, which means that I have to take it out of here, somehow (I'll figure out how at some point), and give it to Jimi at A496451.

Can I just ask why can there not be two articles about the same thing, as they are quite different in content? Maybe the two could be linked, A496451 as an introduction and mine as a more detailed description? But then, I suppose maybe people could take this to extremes and say that they could write entries about things that have already been done well, as they present a different angle or something. I will have an explore and find out more about the rules and things. I thought I was okay, but it turns out not! Oops. Oh well, hopefully it'll be okay.


A871355 - The Art Of Ringing

Post 9


The original Flea Market article is A808265, not 808605. Sorry.

A871355 - The Art Of Ringing

Post 10

Mu Beta

They still _are_ about the same thing, though - it's just that one's crap.smiley - smiley

Basically - when we're done with this, it'll go onto Update HQ where it will effectively replace the other one, which is fairly worthless. However, because it's still going into the EG, it needs some Peer exposure and feedback, to make sure it's OK, and not just a collaboration between you and and the Sub-ed. Because Writing Workshop is somewhat under-used at the minute (I know there are plans afoot to rectify this), PR is the best place for it. HOWEVER, if it gets picked by a Scout in the normal course of things, it'll bypass Update HQ and go into the normal queue for subbing and editing.

D'you want this ASCII art doing, btw?


A871355 - The Art Of Ringing

Post 11


The art thing would be great!

Shall I remove the entry now?

A871355 - The Art Of Ringing

Post 12

Mu Beta

There's no harm in leaving it another few days, because it can't get picked until after a week. However, if it's not finished, move it to Writing Workshop.

If you find me a diagram that you want to copy on the web, or email me one - I'll try and ASCII it. I want a co-credit, though.smiley - winkeye


A871355 - The Art Of Ringing

Post 13


If not having the diagram isn't finished, I'll move it. And I do think that it needs a diagram. I'll do that soon, as I have to go in a sec and I don't want to be half way through something or I'll forget. You know my memory...

And if you can draw it, you can certainly have a co-credit, whatever that is. I presume it's acknowledgement that you either o-wrote it or just helped out lots, which you did by alerting me to it in the first place!

A871355 - The Art Of Ringing

Post 14

Mu Beta

Oh - and take out the first-person! You should know better.

Writing-Guidelines Rule 13.


A871355 - The Art Of Ringing

Post 15

Gnomon - time to move on

I don't think there's any point in putting an Ascii Art picture, as it will be taken out when the entry hits the edited guide. The Editors themselves decide on the picture content of entries. They may decide to use an existing picture or get a new one drawn.

A871355 - The Art Of Ringing

Post 16

Gnomon - time to move on

It's a good entry and certainly deserves to replace the existing entry on Campanology. Perhaps you should change your title to be the same as the existing entry?

You really need to take out all the first person stuff.

smiley - smiley

A871355 - The Art Of Ringing

Post 17

Mu Beta

I'm sure we've had ASCII art make it into the EG before, haven't we?

Wan't there an entry on ballistics or something that used a big ASCII picture?


A871355 - The Art Of Ringing

Post 18

Gnomon - time to move on

Master B, I wrote plenty of Edited Entries pre-Rupert. I certainly hope mine are not crap!smiley - winkeye

A871355 - The Art Of Ringing

Post 19

Mu Beta

Sorry - I mis-quoted myself there. I meant to throw in a disparaging remark about the old editorial team, but something got lost between here and Notepad.smiley - sorry


A871355 - The Art Of Ringing

Post 20

Mu Beta

Oh, and I've now been over-ruled - Anna wants this in WW, when you come back VIP.


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