This is the Message Centre for twinklingDi

Hello About me

Post 1


smiley - magic I'm new to this site,so I'm a bit nervous still finding my way around. I enjoy the outdoors and the countryside and am happy when I can just wander around and enjoy the sites and sounds. I love cricket and a wide range of music.I enjoy doing crosswords{not very good really,but that won't put me off].Do get in touch love to hear from you. Thank you for time.smiley - winkeye

Hello About me

Post 2

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Hello twinklingDi!*extends hand for handshake*smiley - winkeye I was just looking over the recent registrants(or newbies). I see that my colleague Feisor has aced/greeted you. I just thought I'd stop in to say hello, shake virtual hands'n'all! I also like a variety of smiley - musicalnote and some crosswords as well - I tend to "run hot'n'cold" quite often(sharp at times, rather thicksmiley - huhat others). Do hope you enjoy hootoo-as we often refer to h2g2. Feel free to click on my underlined nickname and visit my space at some point. smiley - cheers*waves*

Hello About me

Post 3


smiley - bubblythanks for your greeting nice to know there is someone out there watched the F1 race today shame about Hamilton. Brill weather here today I just love the sunshine. don't you hope to hear from you soon bye for nowsmiley - cool love smiley - chocandsmiley - cakeand coffee.

Hello About me

Post 4

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

*clink*smiley - bubblyOh you're quite welcome! Yes, love the is poking though here'n'there. Enjoying smiley - coffee at the moment, I suppose smiley - choc and smiley - cakecome later. Mmmm , Kerrstin's smiley - chochttp://www.kerstinschocolates.comsmiley - ok

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