This is the Message Centre for BradSlovan

Another country heard from

Post 1


What ho Brad smiley - biggrin

akira100 aka Peter Lovegrove here.

Finding your feet yet? Have a look round, click on a few connections and you'll soon find a fair number of names you recognise.

smiley - cheers


Another country heard from

Post 2


Pete you old devil how long has this party been going on??/

Another country heard from

Post 3


You've found Peter now Brad. I just stumble across them by accident rather than design, because I haven't yet worked out how this site works!

Another country heard from

Post 4

Pat Pending

We should find a conversation and stay there, else we'll be chasing each others', and our own, @rses around all afternoon.

I'm going to sit here and wait for someone to come back.

PS. Peter: IMHO, "Another Country" is one of the best British films of the last 30 years.

Another country heard from

Post 5


Good idea Pat. I made the same suggestion on another conversation thread! It's a great site but could be simplified!

Another country heard from

Post 6

Pat Pending

Are you going to stay here then Sarnia, or should I be coming to join you somewhere else?

Another country heard from

Post 7


I'll stay here - it's simpler! My friend Jackie has started a thread on the dating board btw. I know you rumbled me last week, but I didn't want to admit it on the 5 Live boards!

Another country heard from

Post 8

Pat Pending

Going to get a coffee: back in a min.

Another country heard from

Post 9


OK, although I can't stay too long. Will pop over and see if Jackie has had any replies (although that board is in pre-mod).

Another country heard from

Post 10


Pat, sorry but have to leave. Will try and pop back later. Happy cycling!

Another country heard from

Post 11

Pat Pending

Let me know if you get back: don't forget that S&D is permanently pre-moded, which slows everything down.

Another country heard from

Post 12

kri stickle mass

hi everyone,. i am back online now.

i had a lovely wet time of it, wasnt horrid cos it aint cold.

smiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - diva

it may be gloomy outside but it is disco lights in here

i will bookmark this page for a congregational conversation, ( brad should put on his perverse priest's paraphernalia and bless our venture here) smiley - huh

we could have our naughtiest sermon yet. go on brad, i dare ya. smiley - biggrin

smiley - surfersmiley - wizard


Another country heard from

Post 13

Pat Pending

Hi Kris,

Brad seems to have disappeared again (after confusing everything by starting a load of untitled bl**dy conversations), but your bath mate Bushy is around somewhere. I'm just going to sit in this conversation and hope they find us.

You really do like your smilies, don't you?!

Another country heard from

Post 14

Pat Pending

Yes, I do know I'm replying to myself, but heh, no-one else is.

Just wanted to wish you all a good weekend: I've got to go now and take Mrs Pen to Harry Potter and the Dwarves of Death or whatever it's called: bet it'll be full of kids n'all. Bah humbug.

Play nicely: see you Monday.

Another country heard from

Post 15


What have I missed?

I have replied to Jackie but it is so slow! Alex (Mod) has found us as well by the way...

Another country heard from

Post 16


smiley - yawn
Good grief, I go off for my afternoon nap (us oldens need our rest) and I miss a whole conversation that I started off! smiley - steam

I seem to have arrived just in time to see everyone saying goodbye.

Pat - if you're still about, I'm going to start a thread on "my" site (thinks: or maybe "yours", that'll make more sense) devoted to films so we can have a nice chat about something that really matters in this world. Maybe over a pint or three. smiley - ale

To everyone else - nice to see you all her today. Keep up the good work. You're all doing very well!!

smiley - cheers


Another country heard from

Post 17


Have a good weekend too Pat.

Bushy, shall look at your reply to Jackie. Got an idea - think I might create "Jill Tedd" for that board - but then I don't know if I could cope with more than a couple of aliases.

Another country heard from

Post 18


Hi Kristine,

Lurve the disco lights! Wet and horrible here too. Orf out now - catch you later smiley - smiley

Another country heard from

Post 19


Thanks Peter.

Oh btw. Loved your Reading post (or was it a thread) on the ...and finally board last Saturday. (It was you wasn't it?)

Another country heard from

Post 20


Jill Tedd??? ROFL!!! Fabulous Sarnia... You have a quite a few replies now, much better than mine I might add as well!

Peter, you sound like Young Mr Grace... Was that intentional?

Crying shame about losing so much of our hard work today! There were some absolute classics from Brad, William and the others. I was crying with laughter earlier on this afternoon and totally forgot the hangover.

Hmmm... Now I feel a bit better I wonder if I just nipped out for a swift one I could restrict myself to just the one?

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