A Conversation for I'm New - What Do I Do Now?

Old new boy

Post 1


At eighty four years I feel I have got out of my depth and will soon drown.I get a great deal out of my computer, it certainly occupies my brain. but should I take this on ?
I wonder that if my brain contained a hard disc what capacity in gigabytes would be required to store 84 years of memories etc.
I can go back most of those years and dig out a name, a place, an action
and so on. It may take all day to arrive then suddenly it's here.

It does take longer to retrieve a file as you get older, but then there are so many more files to trawl through.
If only I could defragment my brains hard disc but,

Old new boy

Post 2


Hi and welcome to hootoo smiley - smiley

Someone will be along to your personal space shortly to leave you an official welcome message with lots of helpful info..would you like a smiley - tea and some smiley - cake till then?

Old new boy

Post 3

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

It would be great to be able to defragment ones brain, I think mine could also do with a good scandisk on it too smiley - biggrin I often wonder if all the pointless random memories I have are preventing me storing new information smiley - biggrin have fun smiley - coolsmiley - goodluck

Old new boy

Post 4

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Yayy!! smiley - wow

Hello Jaxcoping!

I have left a message in your Personal Space which, hopefully, will assist your passage through the site of h2g2! smiley - somersault

Remember smiley - dontpanic and take your smiley - towel with you! If you get lost or require a rest, just click on the box marked "My Space" and you will return home for smiley - tea and smiley - cake!

Enjoy hootooing! smiley - ok

lil xx
smiley - magic

Old new boy

Post 5

Ancient Brit

Hello old chap and welcome to h2g2.
It's a great site and with your permission I'll try to help you.
I'm knocking on a bit myself (78 next) but bow to your seniority.
The first thing to do, so that people can help you is to make an entry to your personal space. This will help get off on the right foot.
My first entry was "Just Looking" but I've now been looking for around 3 years.
I use my computer to convince myself that I can still function. There's a lot to be gained by sticking with it, and you have got a great link here in h2g2. I look forward to an acknowledgement of this post, better still to seeing an entry in your space.
Ancient Brit (The name says it all) smiley - biggrin

Old new boy

Post 6


Nice to here fromyou young man. I am greatful for any help and am sure Iwil get there eventually.

Old new boy

Post 7

Ancient Brit

Stick with it. Glad you've made an entry to your space. People can now address you directly I like to have a look at the Personal Space of people I talk to. Did you realise that if you click on the name in blue at the start of the message it takes you to their Personal Space ?
My son put me onto h2g2. What brought you here ?

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