A Conversation for I'm New - What Do I Do Now?

How Do You Work This Thing?

Post 1


I am very new to this but...

Have I completely failed to understand..?

or is "fitzred" some kind of link to persuade us out of h2g2 and onto other (less populated?) BBC sites?

smiley - winkeye

How Do You Work This Thing?

Post 2

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

Hiya Mike.....got a problem? Can I help? smiley - smiley

Happy Birthday 2 U

Post 3


I'm ok thanks!

But it got a response... smiley - winkeye

Was just wandering in your space... I'm sure this is a bit L8 now, but...

HappY BirthDaY

Have some smiley - cake

I have just made more smiley - tea - so I can function again now, mmmm hot steaming brownien motion generator... smiley - tea

So have you any pressies or other food stuff to report?

Oh go on then have some more smiley - cake


Happy Birthday 2 U

Post 4

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

smiley - laugh

Thank you!! *munches on cake*

H2G2 can be strange....sometimes you have loads of conversations on the go, whereas othertimes, it dies a death and you just stare at the screen waiting for someone to talk to you....smiley - silly

Just give it some time....slowly introduce yourself around, and before you know it, you'll have a load of conversations on the go and you'll be running around chasing your tail! smiley - bigeyes

And thank you so much for the birthday wishes smiley - biggrin

Happy Birthday 2 U

Post 5

fords - number 1 all over heaven

It was your birthday was it, Vicki? smiley - winkeyesmiley - run

Happy Birthday 2 U

Post 6

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

smiley - bigeyes

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