This is the Message Centre for Pat Pending

Just testing...

Post 61


Ta da!!!

What do you think to this? Oh Kris, you like the other one... Well you lot have a vote or something and let me know!

"Jesus was a Blackman,
No Jesus was Batman!"

- Reverend Black Grape.

Just testing...

Post 62

Pat Pending

Call me stupid, but what does "PTA" mean as a phrase: I understand each word seperately, but can't put the big picture together.

Just testing...

Post 63



William Norton has started a thread about Parrots on the Nature something board. Go to Lifestyle, Nature and it's the second or third board on the left hand side. I've already joined in. It's Not Pet care but the board above it.

Just testing...

Post 64


Don't ask me Pat, I just work here... Kris moves in mysterious ways I feel!

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