This is the Message Centre for Pat Pending

Just testing...

Post 41



Just have the three.

I'd get the receptionist to go and get your coffee for you. After all, she's only just sitting there filing her nails and answering the 'phones.

Not having the luxury of staff, I am about to go and sort out my coffee problem myself.

Catch you later!

Mumsy Wumsy

Just testing...

Post 42


Naughty? I haven't been naughty... ???

I think I might change names as you have suggested Kris but I am stuck between "Snatch'd" and "Velvet Tipper"! Which one should I go for?

Just testing...

Post 43

Pat Pending

Anyone around?

Just testing...

Post 44


Good morning Pat!

Just testing...

Post 45


Morning Pat,

Is it raining as much there as it is here?

Just testing...

Post 46


I thought it was always warm and sunny down south? As usual it is pouring with rain up here near Altrincham!

Just testing...

Post 47


It is! It is! (I was just pretending)

Just testing...

Post 48

Pat Pending

Morning both.

Sarnia: we have a sort of dark mizzle at the moment, but it's not hewing it down.

Shall we go somewhere and have some fun? The singles and dating board could, I think, benefit from Sarnia's input, especially as there's someone over there who has completely lost his sense of humour (although luckily some of the regulars have stuck up for us (I say "us": my moniker doesn't appear on the board, but I'm very very close friends with Bradford Quigley)).

I see Brad's registered here, but then gone silent.

Is Kris around as far as anyone knows?

Just testing...

Post 49


Good idea Pat. I'm quite good friends with Jackie Tinn, I'll see if she can pop on there later. smiley - smiley

Just testing...

Post 50


Kris is otherwise engaged stroking my ego so leave her where she is for now...

Are you Bradford Quigley? I thought Bradford was female.

Just testing...

Post 51

Pat Pending

Bradford only became female when a certain poster accused him of causing chaos on the boards (which he hadn't).

Sarnia: I guessed a couple of weeks ago you were Jackie, and asked you but you went all coy: I then thought it might have been Peter L.

I'm going to have a scout around and see where's good.

Just testing...

Post 52

kri stickle mass

and very enjoyable it is too.......bushy

snatch'd smiley - blush i had forgotten and velvet tipper is too exciting smiley - steam. btw did you like that smiley - tickle i gave you somewhere else?

stroking is sensual without being sinful. smiley - winkeye you can indulge yourself as much as you like.

smiley - surfersmiley - wizard

ps let's see how many suggestions we can think up for another name for .....bushy , everybody join in smiley - wow

i suggest persisto turgeo altarium smiley - biggrin

Just testing...

Post 53


Morning all

Lots of people don't believe it, but I only have one name on the Beeb boards. Sorry, boring and all that....smiley - yawn

The Chelsea Girl is convinced that I'm Hostile 17 because I knew that was Spike's code name in Buffy when he had his brain chip inserted (Far too long and involved to explain for those of you who aren't in the Buffy universesmiley - biggrin)

And someone once had the temerity to suggest that I was Michael Hill (I ask you!)smiley - yuk

smiley - cheers


Just testing...

Post 54


That Bradford versus ian exchange was one of the best I've read! I only wish I had the patience to disect his illiterate and ill conceived nonsense with such surgeon like precision!

I will however, cross Bradford of my "Must bonk that person" list!

Just testing...

Post 55

Pat Pending

Please do take Bradford off the list: as she's my housemate, I have it on good authority that she's lesbian: she certainly fancies a lot of women.

Kris: where's this mystical other place where you've been giving Bushy what are (I assume) hugs?

Just testing...

Post 56


What do you think? Is it really me? Oh I'm not sure... Help!

Just testing...

Post 57

Pat Pending

I don't think it's quite you: you look better with an apostrophe and a sexual innuendo.

Just testing...

Post 58

Pat Pending

Morning Peter ,

You can't be Hostile 17: if you were, you would have lost all of your posting powers and Chelsea "Willow" Girl would have had to comfort you by saying "It's not your fault, we can try again in a few minutes".

Just testing...

Post 59



Actually it was not meant as a sexual innuendo primarily although I must say I do catch myself having a sneaky giggle occasionally! No, in fact it was meant as a bit of dig at the most famous cabbage on earth, George Dubya!

Just testing...

Post 60

kri stickle mass


look, i am not sniggering, my mouth is wide open at the look of it persisto. didnt know how good it would look till i saw it on you right now. yup that is definitely you and no mistake. phwoar smiley - devil

right, off to jump in the bath, smiley - towel see you all later this afternoon cos duty calls. love ya all loads.

smiley - surfersmiley - wizard

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