A Conversation for BBC Globes

Peer Review: A863769 - BBC Globes

Post 1

And Introducing... A Leg

Entry: BBC Globes - A863769
Author: And Introducing... A Leg (Joan of Ark. Where's Ark?) - U194118

This could do with pictures, really, but never mind!

A863769 - BBC Globes

Post 2

Smij - Formerly Jimster

Ask and ye shall receive:


... and there are links below this to all the other idents.

A863769 - BBC Globes

Post 3

Witty Ditty


I like this entry, but I do agree, it is in need of a few links to pictures - I've recently written an entry on the BBC 2 ident (shameless plug here: A892370), and found a few refernces on the web quite handly - they're under Further Watching, down at the bottom of the entry smiley - smiley

smiley - earth - like it smiley - biggrin

Stay smiley - cool,

A863769 - BBC Globes

Post 4

Smij - Formerly Jimster

One of my favourite air-balloon variants was during the first screening of Walking with Dinosaurs. As a dinosaur (an allosaur, I think) bobbed into shot, the air-balloon floated across the screen in the distance.

A863769 - BBC Globes

Post 5


Hiya, smiley - smiley

I like this a lot too, smiley - ok!

Did you independently just fancy doing these 2, or was it a conspiracy? Have you got someone working as we speak on the ITV Ident entry? smiley - biggrin

I'd guess you guys saw my idea about using WD's final section in this entry... so i won't repeat it, smiley - biggrin

I agree about the links - that works so well in WD's piece that i feel it sets the standard. Sorry to sound as if i'm handing out work, smiley - blush

Anyway, have a nice trip to the front page,
and thanks for the trip down you-know-where Lane, smiley - biggrin

A863769 - BBC Globes

Post 6

Mu Beta

*Agrees with most of the above*

I remember someone pointing out, mid-90s, that the BBC didn't have a clue which way round their globes were supposed to spin. The main BBC globe spun in a clockwise direction, whereas the smaller one being used for BBC sport at the time spun anticlockwise.


A863769 - BBC Globes

Post 7

Witty Ditty

Right - as promised, the coding for the list at the end of the 2 entry:

Here's a history of the BBC 1 idents, from the birth of the BBC channel to 1997.
And here are a few of the more recent ones:

Acrobat - Three acrobats in white tumble gracefully whilst holding red fabric to support them in the air
Ballet - In the ruins of a castle, several ballet dancers move slowly from one balancing position to another
Capoeira - Two people on a rooftop practice the martial art of capoeira
Festival - The camera focuses in on two girls having a great time at a music festival, and slowly tracks back to reveal a huge crowd who are also feeling the same way
Haka - Don't mess with One, or it might just send these boys round; a group of rugby players perform the genuinely scary Haka, an ancient Maori war chant
Hip Hop - Three guys dance in a basketball court to some funked up BBC ident music
Salsa - A couple dance salsa-style, and the camera tracks back to reveal that the whole room is filled with couples doing the same thing
Tapdogs - Builders as tapdancers? Surely not! But One moves in mysterious ways...

It should be a simple cut and paste, but if you have any problems, please don't hesitiate to post back smiley - smiley Feel free to reword to your own liking too smiley - smiley

Spiffy: I think it was a independent sort of thing - I'd been meaning to do this for months, and as last weekend was the only free weekend I'm going to be having for a long while, I decided to write about little 2 then - but it is spooky though smiley - weird

Anyway - I hope the coding works!

Stay smiley - cool,

A863769 - BBC Globes

Post 8

And Introducing... A Leg

Works perfectly -- thanks very much! I'll work on putting links to the diggerent BBC1 idents when I've got more time.smiley - smiley

A863769 - BBC Globes

Post 9


Liffism of the day:

diggerent; adj. astonishing; which leaves the hearer/observer stunned, gobsmacked.

smiley - biggrin

A863769 - BBC Globes

Post 10

And Introducing... A Leg

Just in case anyone was wondering, I've removed this from Peer Review in order to have more time to add links etc to it. I don't have much time at the moment.

A863769 - BBC Globes

Post 11

Smij - Formerly Jimster

Does that mean we have to wait another week next time you submit it? smiley - yikessmiley - wah

(Really looking forward to this being picked eventually, by the way)

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