A Conversation for Poem for Leonard Peltier

I have a bone to pick....

Post 1


Nice poem, and im a big supporter of Leonard Peltier, but "A man of principal and honour, a true hero to the core.".... i mean, come on. Principal, sure, but an honorable hero? Hes not a good guy. Wrongly imprisoned and persecuted, yes. But before he was imprisoned, he was almost as much as a problem as he was part of the solution.

I have a bone to pick....

Post 2


It was a fair bone to pick if your knowledge of Leonard precedes mine and your information is accurate. As for me, I came to know of him whilst he was already imprisoned and therefore (at the time the poem was written), my knowledge was limited to what I learnt at the time (and what I was told... obviously by people who knew him. Consequently, the knowledge I was given could have been slightly ... biased! smiley - smiley) Thanks for your comment though.smiley - smiley

smiley - magic

I have a bone to pick....

Post 3


smiley - erm actually..... I dont know him. I know him through his book, "My Life is a Sundance," and from what i could tell, there seemed to be a patter of less than admirable events, actions, and musings present throughout his life. And while he was no doubt a product of his environment, and has as far as I could tell he has reformed and become more peaceful since his imprisonment, he is still a long way from honorable. If you havent read his book, i would still highly recommend it.smiley - smiley

I have a bone to pick....

Post 4


smiley - smileyThanks for telling me. I didn't actually communicate with him myself (except to send a birthday card!) because as I said, the rest of the time, my knowledge was gained from people who knew him. I haven't been involved with any of that for quite a few years now. The reason I put the poem in H2G2 was because a friend convinced me too at one point.smiley - biggrin Thanks for the book recommendation and no, I haven't read it.smiley - smiley If you would like to read anything else, try 'In the Spirit of Crazy Horse' by Peter Matthiessen. That was a book I was told to read at the time. smiley - smiley If you manage to read it all, my congratulations would go out to you because I didn't!smiley - laugh

Curiousity dictates that I should ask you how you came across the poem.. were you doing a search or something? Just curious. smiley - biggrin

Take care
smiley - magic

I have a bone to pick....

Post 5


Funny you should mention Matthiesen's book, i actually just checked it out from the library. And yah, i was bored so i decided to type in various political prisoners names, try and get some idea of the level of public awareness, atleast in the h2g2 community!

I have a bone to pick....

Post 6


The book looks like heavy reading, but its an in-depth look at what happened and gives some background etc. Have you ever seen the film 'Thunderheart'? That of course, is Leonards basic story but with name changes etc.

Good luck with the reading. smiley - smiley

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