This is the Message Centre for Bleu


Post 1

Moose }:8) BOYCOTTING ALL SMILEYS UNTIL YOU GIVE US A MOOSE!!!(the first to own a conceptual spork!!!)

smiley - smiley
i am moose. }:8)
nice intro...
i think we're done here...


Post 2

Quille the cynic...TC

*smiles happily* smiley - hug moose!
Hiya Bleu or Blue or azul or whatever way you prefer to spell it. Terry Pratchett and DNA are kings along with quite a few others...
Quille the smiley - elf just popping in for a hello...


Post 3

Moose }:8) BOYCOTTING ALL SMILEYS UNTIL YOU GIVE US A MOOSE!!!(the first to own a conceptual spork!!!)

how nice of you to drop by!
unfortunately bleu hasn't quite got round to that yet...


Post 4

Quille the cynic...TC

well maybe Bleu will...
for now..HELLO!!!!
smiley - elfsmiley - biggrinsmiley - winkeye


Post 5

Moose }:8) BOYCOTTING ALL SMILEYS UNTIL YOU GIVE US A MOOSE!!!(the first to own a conceptual spork!!!)

HI!!!smiley - silly
bleu is online....i wonder wot he/she is doing?


Post 6

Quille the cynic...TC

maybe bleu is exploring the guide like a good hitchhiker?
smiley - elf


Post 7

Moose }:8) BOYCOTTING ALL SMILEYS UNTIL YOU GIVE US A MOOSE!!!(the first to own a conceptual spork!!!)

it doesn't take that long!
maybe he/she's ignoring me....wouldn't be the first time...


Post 8

Quille the cynic...TC

I think it could! I don't think they're ignoring you. Last time I checked they hadn't replied to manda (their ACE) either...
Anyhow..I'm here! Isn't that a consolation? smiley - laugh ok bad joke..
smiley - elf


Post 9

Moose }:8) BOYCOTTING ALL SMILEYS UNTIL YOU GIVE US A MOOSE!!!(the first to own a conceptual spork!!!)

yes of course it's consolation!
at least it's not silent and lonely here...


Post 10

Quille the cynic...TC

just annoying and pointless? You trying to say something smiley - winkeye
smiley - elf


Post 11

Moose }:8) BOYCOTTING ALL SMILEYS UNTIL YOU GIVE US A MOOSE!!!(the first to own a conceptual spork!!!)

errr....smiley - blush now where would you get an idea like that from? smiley - winkeye


Post 12

Quille the cynic...TC

smiley - laugh thin air *wapAAA*
smiley - elf


Post 13

Moose }:8) BOYCOTTING ALL SMILEYS UNTIL YOU GIVE US A MOOSE!!!(the first to own a conceptual spork!!!)

hehehehe....smiley - blush of course...thin-air....smiley - yikes


Post 14

Quille the cynic...TC

well thick air would be a bit imposing...
smiley - elf


Post 15


*pokes the thick air*


Post 16

Quille the cynic...TC

Bleu! See I told you that Bleu wasn't ignoring you! She wants to speak to ya moose!
Hi Bleu how you getting on here?
smiley - elf


Post 17

Moose }:8) BOYCOTTING ALL SMILEYS UNTIL YOU GIVE US A MOOSE!!!(the first to own a conceptual spork!!!)

WOOHOO!!!! we have contact!!!!!!!
hey bleu!
i've kinda been haging round U'r message centre for a while...nice of you to join us...


Post 18

Quille the cynic...TC

smiley - laugh *brings in some smiley - tea and smiley - cake for the discussion*
smiley - elf


Post 19

Moose }:8) BOYCOTTING ALL SMILEYS UNTIL YOU GIVE US A MOOSE!!!(the first to own a conceptual spork!!!)

yay! smiley - cake!
oh damn... i think bleu is gone again...bugger.


Post 20

Quille the cynic...TC

Bleu might be back..if I didn't frighten her away smiley - blue
smiley - elf

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