This is the Message Centre for Stealth "Jack" Azathoth

A Banner Of Freedom...

Post 41


Yup, that's what's happening in your land.smiley - biggrin I'm rather proud of my own citizens at the moment: "scientists recently cloned the long-extinct feather-bellied moonsheep."

A Banner Of Freedom...

Post 42

Stealth "Jack" Azathoth

Income tax has been a ridiculous problem in my nation since the start, it's now hit a 100% so at least it can't get any higher...smiley - erm... Actually I've decided to risk taking the 'cut the goverment budget' option I've been offered, see what kinda mess it makes of things...

A Banner Of Freedom...

Post 43


Yup, that could be interesting. I noticed you had shanty towns springing up at one point.

I've got zero crime in my country at the moment. I'm so proud of my little people. They're all so good and law-abiding. Because I've executed all the ones who weren't.smiley - evilgrin They love me like the god I am.

A Banner Of Freedom...

Post 44

Stealth "Jack" Azathoth

Oh, I think that may have been caused by me letting in refugees to clean my sewers.

A Banner Of Freedom...

Post 45

Stealth "Jack" Azathoth

The equal rights movement for S&Mers has had it 15 minutes of fame... The highlight of the CIA descriptions of my nation is now "government officials have to mortgage their homes to make ends meet". Haha! no index linked pentions for civil servants or 3 million pound home for MPs in my country.smiley - biggrin

"all-natural foods are becoming a major fad" That a reflection of my vitriolic opinion on the CAP, intensive farming and agri-business.

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