A Conversation for THX 1138 - George Lucas

A851014 - THX 1138

Post 21

Smij - Formerly Jimster

I note that the original entry is written in fairly clipped English in places, a little like a dictionary definition rather than an essay. This is easily rewritten to make the text flow a little better.

If we turn this thread's attention to how this already great entry can be improved, rather than dwelling on the legalities of it ( smiley - smiley ), by the time the improvements have been implemented it could conceivably be a new entry altogether.

(This is, of course, also a practical example of why cutting and pasting is always less favourable than simply rewriting smiley - winkeye )

A851014 - THX 1138

Post 22


Hi Folks -

Thanks for all your comments. I have edited the entry a bit based on some of your suggestions. It's now in Guide ML format so it looks a little better, and I added in some information about how the film was recieved and how it was made. I didn't take out any plot because I thought that what I have at the moment is important to understand the themes of the film, but maybe I'm wrong. Anyway, let me know what you think.

To reiterate, I wrote this entire entry all by myself. I didn't copy it from anywhere else. Not even a little bit of it. Maybe the style is a little more terse than other entries on h2g2, but I wanted to make it similar to an encyclopedia entry, which is a little more organized, a little more professional, and I think a little more useful and easy to read.

As some of you have commented, this was originally posted on wikipedia. My understanding (which may or may not be correct) is that I retain the copyright to anything I post on wikipedia or h2g2. That means I can publish it anywhere else I want. H2g2 said I could, but they didn't like it too much, so I took it off wikipedia. It's still somewhere in the archives, but it's not the main entry.

Thanks for all the useful discussion. Hope this revision of the article is good.


A851014 - THX 1138

Post 23

Lentilla (Keeper of Non-Sequiturs)

So... what? Is this entry off limits until the copyrights are re-evaluated? It looks good to me.. I think I'll recommend it and let the big kids sort it out.

One comment - while Logan76 mentions two instances where THX-1138 appears in later films, he says nothing at all about the most famous 'allusion' - the THX sound system which Lucasfilms developed.

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Post 24

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