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The Man in the Mist
Calico Kitty DOG Lover (one of Owlatron's Thundercats) Started conversation Oct 7, 2002
I just read this story and I absolutely loved it. It put me in mind of the turn of the century horror stories I've read. I love the way those stories (and yours) make seemingly ordinary occurrences turn into something surreal and scary.
Great work! By the way, have you ever published anything? If you haven't, but are planning on doing so, can you let me know, so I can run out and buy it?
Calico Kitty DOG Lover
The Man in the Mist
Peregrin Posted Oct 9, 2002
*basks in praise* Thank you!!
I wrote it after reading some of H G Wells's fiction (he wrote a lot more than just science fiction, including horror, which he wrote really well); so it is indeed written in a similar style to the turn of the century horror stories
I haven't published anything... I'm not very good at thinking up original ideas for stories, and so don't often think of anything good to write about When I think of some original and groundbreaking storyline, I'll write a novel, and give you a signed copy
The Man in the Mist
Calico Kitty DOG Lover (one of Owlatron's Thundercats) Posted Oct 9, 2002
I have this anthology of Irish horror stories and when I read your story, I thought this would have went nicely in that anthology.
I was wondering when you submit something here, does it become property of BBC? Because if it doesn't maybe you should try to get that story published. I don't mean to go on about it, but I think you have got loads of talent.
Just my humble opinion,
Calico Kitty DOG Lover
The Man in the Mist
Peregrin Posted Oct 10, 2002
I've never been to Ireland unfortunately, if I do go sometime I'll polish up the story with local references
It doesn't exclusively become the property of the BBC, I could publish it if I wished, but so could the BBC without my permission.
So if I write anything I plan to make money out of, I wouldn't post it here. But then, I wouldn't put it anywhere on the internet anyway.
Bluebottle has written a novel which he's vaguely thinking of publishing, and has put the first chapter on h2g2 Fiction - called The Last Comic Kid. It makes a good short story by itself, and by only putting the first chapter on, he can gauge interest and avoid copyright problems (probably)
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The Man in the Mist
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