This is the Message Centre for kri stickle mass

kris kris kris kris ... micky?

Post 21


...And the same to you with knobs on Mrs!

What's all this about not posting anything? I don't get it?

Good weekend? Leeds was naff yesterday, Smith was cr*p by the way and also interestingly Mrs Whack'd suggested if he was going to be running off with anyone it would deffo be her!! HA!! I like that ... NOT! Didn't know the lad was so much in demand ... Not a bad atmos tho' to be honest and even though we lost I enjoyed the game! What have you been up to?

kris kris kris kris ... micky?

Post 22


your mrs. has excellent taste then (dont let her see marat safin or she will add a scond beau to her string smiley - tongueout )

i have to put more of my time into my projects but also decided over weekend it was best the move to shift house so have applied for one in centre of town where i can build up custom. wil have nice painted sign in front garden. have other main moves to make including buying a car and investing in a halfway decent one. (doing that tomoz) plus i am still running a new business. had to apply mature and responsible attitude cos it is too easy to get involved on here for hours hence i laid some new laws out on me (which i am of course breaking right now) smiley - nahnah but i did do good for me smiley - angel

hope your day was bright, you big beautiful man. did you send your piccie to brad yet ?? hmmmmm??? smiley - tongueout

smiley - zensmiley - rose kris

kris kris kris kris ... micky?

Post 23


Pictures? No I didn't yet ... I've only got a couple of pics of me! Seem to be archived at the moment and the digital camera we have at work is out of the country at the moment. I'll see what I can do for Brad later in the week when I have some time!

Sounds like you're enjoying yourself at the moment. There's a distinct brightness I feel?

kris kris kris kris ... micky?

Post 24


the sun is always shining in my cerebral sky bushy smiley - tongueout

it is wonderful to be on the other side of taking decisions. woooohooo !! yeah smiley - flyhi it is so easy to stay happy. dont tell yourself any reason you should be unhappy. easy peasy, works for me.

anyway, look at me, i am cheating here. just got back with 96 rabbits and while stopped for brekky, let myself come have a look.

are you being good bushy smiley - tongueout

smiley - hug kris smiley - rose

kris kris kris kris ... micky?

Post 25


Good? Never!

Why do you have 96 rabbits?

kris kris kris kris ... micky?

Post 26


i am a potent woman. all earth mothers need 96 rabbits smiley - tongueout

smiley - zen kris smiley - rose

kris kris kris kris ... micky?

Post 27


I hestitate to ask again but why?

kris kris kris kris ... micky?

Post 28


earth mothers are blessed with 48 wombs and each must be carefully checked each month to make sure it is not pregnant....hence, the rabbits. smiley - laughsmiley - laugh

oh ok then the truth is that i have a ferocious jack russell and i need to keep it in training so i let it chase 4 rabbits daily (cant forget supper)

oh all right, i will stop lying, i am going to make myself a fur coat.

there you go. or else it might be 96 fluffy fun fur cuddly bunnies.smiley - bunny

smiley - tongueoutsmiley - divasmiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - disco

i am feeling pertickerly perky today having had yet another elite para under my hands. smiley - cool

how are you big brash bold bushy ?

ps dont believe you on the pic, big handsome boy like you smiley - tongueout

smiley - rose kris

kris kris kris kris ... micky?

Post 29


What is an "earth mother"?

How is the self-sacrifice coming along? Any longing look toward the computer throughout the day? Are you bearing up ok my dear?

Don't believe me??? I'd love to send you a picture of me, I'm gorgeous!!

kris kris kris kris ... micky?

Post 30


morning handsome hunky bushy smiley - tickle with the bushiest smiley - tongueout

i know what you look like already remember? and in answer to your question, yes i am longing to play on my computer cos look, here i am and it is past bewitcing hour smiley - witch

i am not an earth mother, i was being silly. i am gonna stuff them lil ol rabbits today. smiley - bunnysmiley - bunny i have about 20 mins play left.
and here i am spending it in one of my fave places. smiley - ok

smiley - cuddle

kris smiley - rose

kris kris kris kris ... micky?

Post 31


Stuff them? You mean as a taxidermist would?

Hmmm... Thin-end of the wedge my dear, you'll be back up to 20 hours a day in no time! smiley - smiley

kris kris kris kris ... micky?

Post 32


it is all these talented and compellingly attractive posters like yourself bushy, impossible to stay away.

i will tell you the full naked truth about me and smiley - bunnysmiley - bunny by email. smiley - yikes

got to leave now, have just finished preparation for friday's excursion.
will make sure i am home and playing. smiley - smiley

smiley - rose kris

kris kris kris kris ... micky?

Post 33


Moring kris! How are you my dear?

Poorly car eh? Hmmm... Considered a bike?

kris kris kris kris ... micky?

Post 34


hi bushy, i should have gone on tuesday to buy it like i had planned out. the clutch cable snapped and couldnt be jerry rigged so got a tow home from a friendly rac man.

yes indeed i did think of a bike bushy and it was a motorbike i was thinking of and then i remembered the weather and knocked it on the head till i am in a hot country. smiley - biggrin

how are you doing au'jourd'hui m. bushy?

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