This is the Message Centre for kri stickle mass

kris kris kris kris ... micky?

Post 1


Hey there kris(tal)!! What's up, you sound slightly fed up my dear!

smiley - sadface

kris kris kris kris ... micky?

Post 2

kri stickle mass

i could cry wiv frustration bushy.

he loaded this site called kazaa and i tried to uninstall it and there is some blip stopping me and i have been trying diff things and i am so so so so so frustrated because the alternative is paying someone to sort it. it has affected the running. am just not used to being unable to sort something. dont like the feeling. - i am so sick of it i dont even want to say even one more word about it from now !!!

apart from that, i am ok. i just need to put a little fun into my schedule, i havent had any for a few days (well not hardly any anyway smiley - tongueout)

i really appreciate you noticing bushy darlin, that is very sweet for me.

smiley - rose kris

good luck with the squash, my fave ball game

kris kris kris kris ... micky?

Post 3


Yeah well you know I'm an observant little fellow occasionally...

If you need some technical help then I am your proverbial knight in a rusty suit but not now as I must alight else where for now! My only anser maybe to re-install various components which in fact may not be much help at all! I should warn you that I am a programmer not a tech chimp but having blathered on and on I will do everything I cna to assist in whatever way poss... K?

Now then my dear is there anything that you need me to hear and comment upon? Think about it! I always have a mis-guided notion or two to spread liberally around the place! smiley - winkeye

kris kris kris kris ... micky?

Post 4

kri stickle mass

there are two parts to this program that had an icon place on desktop.

i went to control panel and add/remove progs bit and tried to remove it but it keeps trying to install it. so i let it try but then it said to turn off the kazaa which was running (it comes on when i turn puter on) so i rt clicked the icon in the task bar and clicked on close and it came up with illegal operation.

when i click on the program section on the start bar, it comes up with two sections, one is the kazaa media desktop and other kazaa website. there was something else but that has disappeared (i dont know how). i will go and try to uninstall it again after i post this and if it doesnt work, i am doing the security thing again tonight so will see what you say in the morning. thanks for helping.

yes i would love to get your advice on all sorts of things. what
kind of advice do you want me to ask you for smiley - tongueout

smiley - rose micky

kris kris kris kris ... micky?

Post 5

kri stickle mass

hooray !! i finally got rid of it, now i feel really great again. whooppeeeee.

see you tomoz bushy boy, dont forget to tell me what kind of advice you want to dispense to me smiley - jester

smiley - ta for being thoughtful

smiley - rose kris

kris kris kris kris ... micky?

Post 6


Oh I am floating around the place normally so full of my own self-importance that I think I can give advice on virtually any subject!! However being slightly serious for just a moment I often find just "blurting" everything out to friends often helps in times of need or stress? Do you have this kind of support structure to fall back upon?

I meant advice on matters technical in the first instance but it seems you have resolved the matter satisfactorily yourself so bravo and let's hope it keeps going without further problems!

Any plans for weekend?

kris kris kris kris ... micky?

Post 7

kri stickle mass

bushy, may i say that i would pay full mind to any advice you offer as i do think you are ok. smiley - tongueout

ages and ages ago i learnt not to dump on anyone, especially myself. i am ace at berating and encouraging myself and know how to drive my pig to market. so even though sometimes i do wish i could unload, i have been winging it for a long time now and i solve things quickly cos i like feeling good and hate feeling bad. i have been feeling under pressure lately cos i am having to take some even bigger gambles moneywise than previously and have only my self-belief smiley - rainbow for collateral. smiley - boing

so here is my request for some advice. what would you do if you were sitting in a cinema and someone sneezed a great big snotty sneeze down your neck? smiley - flyhi

smiley - cuddle

krissmiley - rose

kris kris kris kris ... micky?

Post 8


Wipe it off and perhaps give a slightly withering look but no more. Accidents do happen I guess?

What would you do?

kris kris kris kris ... micky?

Post 9

kri stickle mass

ooops, my plans for the weekend always includes the footie.

urrrm, just checked and there is no rl flirty fun in there. will amend agenda at some point, thanks for that prompt smiley - coolsmiley - cupid

how about you? did you win your game? are you out to get hammered this weekend? my occasional beau did that last weekend so i opted out of sharing his company. i know the person who is hammered thinks they are ok, but there is no light. and i cant tune down (unless i get hammered too and that is horrid, like putting on soggy heavy clothes (booze)or too tight too small clothes (cocaine)

smiley - rose

kris kris kris kris ... micky?

Post 10

kri stickle mass

i would turn round and say smiley - yuk really loudly probably about 3 times smiley - smiley

but i have no class smiley - tongueout

kris kris kris kris ... micky?

Post 11

kri stickle mass

that smiley should have said yuk, the person should have covered their nose and mouth or done it onto the floor.

they should be horsewhupped from the cinema !!!!

kris kris kris kris ... micky?

Post 12


The person should indeed have covered their mouth however sometimes it just creeps up on you and it's too late... Whoosh! Out it goes? If the behaviour persisted I may take stronger measures. Hopefully I will not be put in such a situation!

Weekend? Quiet one this weekend for me... I'll be getting stoned as tonight and then have some work to do over Sat/Sun for an exam that I have in January! I feel quite tired at the moment so a lazy weekend with a few equations, Sunday papers and maybe even some TV will do just nicely! Will also make an effort to go and see the local Fire Fighters in way of support and maybe take a few bags of fish and chips. I know what you mean about drunken partners as Mrs Whack'd will no doubt be tumbling at about 1am tonight completely wrecked spoiling my comtemplations although she is very funny when drunk! Must tell you about that sometime... (nothing lewd I hasten to add!)

I did win last night breaking a monumental losing streak. I do find it difficult to be overly competitive but it was an excellent match and I felt quite invigourated afterwards! Must be all that adrenalin rushing through my system or something??

kris kris kris kris ... micky?

Post 13

kri stickle mass

sounds nice and homey bushy.

congrats on the win. i love squash so much, within a couple of minutes of play i am in a different world with it.

kris kris kris kris ... micky?

Post 14


I'm tired just thinking about it!

kris kris kris kris ... micky?

Post 15

kri stickle mass

why doesnt it make you feel wonderful???

it does me. smiley - huh


kris kris kris kris ... micky?

Post 16


Sorry kris I am all upset and feel quite aggressive! I think I had better log off soon before I post a message that is un-called for on the MB.

Please accept my sincere wishes for a really great weekend for you and yours! Be safe!

Your mate,


kris kris kris kris ... micky?

Post 17

kri stickle mass

awww no bushy,

why are you letting the mb get to you. you should not take any of it seriously. it definitely isnt worth letting it in any way interfere with your life.

are you cross with me as well? bushy, stop telling yourself you are tired or cross or anything and start telling yourself this is a wonderful life you have a wonderful wife and you have a weekend to relax and enjoy this life.

leave the stupid messageboard, none of it is real. pull the chain and get out of the bog

smiley - cuddlesmiley - cheerup


kris kris kris kris ... micky?

Post 18


Not mad with you kris nor anyone else apart from myself! Just remembering some pretty bad times from my youth that's all. Life isn't always too good but that is what makes humanity, good and bad isn't it? Wandering around thinking everything is great is like being permanently stoned!! Waheyy... Everything's grr-reat!


Tony the Tiger.

kris kris kris kris ... micky?

Post 19


bushy - i told you i accidentally logged out so this is my new i d. will alter name to suit.

kris kris kris kris ... micky?

Post 20


hi bushy smiley - chick

i am being ultra strict with myself about posting and should actually not be posting technically according to my new rules (no play after 9 am or before 8 pm smiley - sadface ) but i used ten minutes up doing business things so am allowed smiley - silly

i just wanted to come and stick my tongue out at yuh to let you know i will be missing your wonderfully flamboyant pedantry smiley - tongueoutsmiley - tongueoutsmiley - tongueout

oooooh got to do one more smiley - tongueout
that's better smiley - hug

have a super day you loverly great big bushy smiley - tongueout

smiley - rose kris smiley - zen

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