This is the Message Centre for Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

Noobie Question

Post 1


Hi Mort!

How do you browse the Guide. I know how to search, but I want to be able to browse.

Noobie Question

Post 2

Mort's EG Office - Contributed to the Edited Guide Yet?!

A very good question!

The best place to start is C889

Each link will open up a new menu with more subcategories which in turn gives more subcategories and so on... before you know it you will be deep in the guide smiley - winkeye

Another good place to look is on the <./>frontpage</.> At the right of the page there are a selection of guide categories.

Happy reading smiley - ok


Noobie Question

Post 3


How do I find out about all these secret passage ways like "C889"?

Noobie Question

Post 4

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

smiley - whistle It is a secret smiley - winkeye

Actually all the pages in the categorization system begin with a C

Whenever you look at an Edited Guide entry, you will see along the top of it the various categories that the entry has been cross-filed in.

For instance A3651400 Japanese Tea Ceremonies is filed in 2 places.

1. Life / Food & Drink / Non-alcoholic Drinks
2. The Universe / The Earth / Asia / East Asia / Japan

'Non-alcoholic Drinks' and 'Japan' are the last subcategories in each section. But you can click on each of the categories listed to see what else is in the EG on that subject.

The URL or web address of that page in the address bar will show you the C number.

East Asia is C363

There is no list of them though as there are so many different sub-categories.

If I want to find everything the EG has on dogs - then I will use the <./>search</.> to bring up a page on dogs and then look where it is filed - then see what else is in those same sub-catorgories.

I hope that makes some sense!

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