This is the Message Centre for Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted
Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted Started conversation Oct 19, 2008
Still occasionally lurk.
Not been the best of years.
Family stuff.
Also lost my baby boy Spiggy. Had to get him put to sleep in August so major uncontrollable
He was 20 years old - I know he did well, but just means a bigger part of my life is now missing.
My baby girl cat is giving me extra cuddles.
On to happier things - got a 'sort of' love interest (and a couple of others devoted to me!
Ivan the Terribly Average Posted Oct 20, 2008
Nice to see you, Mort. Sorry life hasn't been consistently nice for you lately...
I now have an office on Mort St, by the way, so I do think of you frequently.
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