This is the Message Centre for Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted


Post 1

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

I hate weekends but smiley - applause for me, actually knowing it is the weekend smiley - laugh

That's the trouble when you don't work, you use the boring monotony, but stability, of weekday TV to get by, weekends just mess that up, so you don't know where you are! Of course weekends can be used as a marker, to count off the weeks, but who said I want to count off the weeks. At least with crap day time TV it passes unremarkably. Sleep, Trisha, Fern and Phil, drink, sleep. Simple. No CDUK, crap film. etc to interrupt it. smiley - erm Of course I watch many BBC programmes too that could equally be described as crap (avoids getting sued!!)

Of course, when I was working, i couldnt wait for the weekend! But as currently a non worker - they stink! smiley - laugh

Apart from the footy of course!!

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