This is the Message Centre for Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

clever pussy cat!

Post 1

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

Spiggy smiley - blackcat sometimes gets colic, but he has been clear for a while (dietary change helps for a while).
However, on Monday, he had an episode. I followed my nose until i found the offending article and, my clever pussy cat had done it on the gas bill! I thought he was a bit senile, but obviously he felt the same as me about it, i couldn't have trained him to have a better aim smiley - winkeyesmiley - laugh
Unfortunatley I just got a reminder, plus the phone bill - £120 smiley - yikes At least that is on Direct Debit.
Why do the meanies send them out just before Christmas? I guess cos no-one has any cash afterwards.
I bought the stamps, dug out the Christmas cards i bought last january for 20p in the clear out sales, now i just have to write them!! smiley - xmastree

clever pussy cat!

Post 2


smiley - rofl good pussy smiley - cat How are you? smiley - hugsmiley - choc I got my gas bill and phone bill's obviously some sort of devious plot...but for what purpose i don't knowsmiley - ermsmiley - xmastreesmiley - holly

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