This is the Message Centre for Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted


Post 1

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

I swear (honest guv) i only had a glass and a half od Chardonnay and i feel like i have had a crate smiley - hangover

I fell asleep on the sofa and woke up at 5am, crawled into bed, shivered violently for half an hour before my sleeping pill took me off to the 'land of no nightmares' and I woke up at 11am, feeling fine but now I am starting to think i went on an all night bender!

Since the words 'never again' don't mean anything, i won't say them smiley - laugh Besides, still got the rest of the bottle for later...


Post 2


some wine is 15% proofsmiley - yikes or maybe you had taken some other medication..even a headache tablet can make you get more drunk than usual I believe. At least you are smiley - ok and can smiley - laugh about it. I think I have some 15% proof wine somehwere ..I was saving it for a special occasionsmiley - drunk..I may need it in Aberdeen if it is as cold as it was when I went for my interviewsmiley - brr


Post 3

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

erm well actually i am on meds that i shouldnt drink with, but i have been for years and it has never stopped me smiley - laugh

12% it is, but its not one i have never had before so maybe its something to do with what they add to it! (sulphuric acid or something!!!!)


Post 4

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |



Post 5


Just be careful. It doesn't do you any good long term. Believe me I've tried itsmiley - yikes Spend some time being nice to yourselfsmiley - hug and getting out in those hills.
Take care.smiley - cheerup
Your virtual friend sbe
Come to my beach hut and chillsmiley - zensmiley - laugh

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