This is the Message Centre for Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

After the events of yesterday, I'd like to discuss something

Post 1

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

If the people behind yesterdays attempted bombings in London "meant" for the bombs not to go off, then what were they playing at?

In my opinion, all that is happening now is racial tension. I mean. I've done it myself. Travelling back from Silverstone GP the other weekend. A Van was beside us with people of Pakistani/Afgan/Muslim? origin (I'm guessing at this because of the colour of their skin). I automatically felt in danger.


These people were most probably ordinary everyday citizens of the United Kingdom. Just going about their daily business. Just trying to earn a crust.

So all I can see is that anyone with a hint of "Muslim" appearance will be deemed as the "enemy" and all that will happen is riots eventually with the "whites" of our country wanting to feel safe.

This, of course, will never happen. Feeling safe I mean. We all look at bags left around with a hint of suspicion. We all have those thoughts at the back of our minds..."what if".

After the Warrington bombing, my mum made me avoid the centre of Chester when I was on my training course. I had to walk the long way round to the bus station.

Is this how things will become? Us all ending up avoiding places, or looking at people with suspicion?

It's a sad day for a "United" Kingdom.

After the events of yesterday, I'd like to discuss something

Post 2

Lord Wolfden - Howl with Pride

Well it looks like the are amature bomb makers as the detinators did not work right thankfully.

smiley - fullmoon

After the events of yesterday, I'd like to discuss something

Post 3

Lord Wolfden - Howl with Pride

Well it looks like they are amature bomb makers as the detinators did not work right thankfully.

smiley - fullmoon

After the events of yesterday, I'd like to discuss something

Post 4

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

Well, yes...that is the case. This time. But all this is doing is causing racial segrigation.

After the events of yesterday, I'd like to discuss something

Post 5

Researcher U1025853

VV I agree totally. I spent my college years with Muslim Arabs, yet now I get nervous sometimes. I am gonna make an effort to smile and say hello to all people in obvious muslim dress. On the tube I am gonna meet peoples eyes and nod reassuringly. Offer to let people inspect my rucksack, whatever its takes to help create a feeling of trust and safety.

I am determined to stay open rather than close up with fear. Not saying its gonna be easy, but we have to try and be strong and not let these idiots divide us.

After the events of yesterday, I'd like to discuss something

Post 6

Lord Wolfden - Howl with Pride

They are sick and what does it prove or acheive?

smiley - fullmoon

After the events of yesterday, I'd like to discuss something

Post 7

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

Yes, they are sick, LW.

It's never going to happen though is it Kaz. You offer to open your rucksack, people might think that could be the trigger. The best thing to do is, if approached, smile and say "of course"

After the events of yesterday, I'd like to discuss something

Post 8

Researcher U1025853

Oh I thought of that VV, I am happy to offer if it makes people feel safer but I appreciate that it won't always. We just have to be ready to try our best.

After the events of yesterday, I'd like to discuss something

Post 9

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

It seems the goal is to disrupt as much commerce, peace of mind and trust as possible. And once a country is in shambles, "they" can perhaps point to their ideals and say "see how much better you would be if you lived as we do?"

I know that Canada is not at all prepared, emotionally or practically. Even our leaders have their heads in the sand. Oddly enough, I feel relatively safe even though I work on our largest Air Force base. Because there are so many innocent places filled with normal people about their own affairs, or touristy-stuff. And I know it's not an "if" for us, but a "when". smiley - sigh

All I can say is that you all have my sympathy for the losses of a couple of weeks ago, and respect for how you are dealing and getting on with the day-to-day life.

After the events of yesterday, I'd like to discuss something

Post 10


Although at least one bit of information is that they may have intended the detonations to be delayed so that they would injure the emergency services when they tried to investigate them.

What does it prove?
That they can disrupt our way of life in the centre of our capital city.
What does it achieve?
A lot of resentment and, as VV astutely points out, greater social tension as it is, I think, designed to play into the hands of the bigots in society.

After the events of yesterday, I'd like to discuss something

Post 11

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

You mean a possible secondary detonator?!

The b@st@rds!!!!

After the events of yesterday, I'd like to discuss something

Post 12


Dunno about that, more delayed than a second one, or designed to go off on being investigated rather than timed. Not sure, details were sketchy.

I think any further comment on them should await the police information as to who they actually are.

I'm currently not sure if it is a related group to last time, or some other opportunists.

After the events of yesterday, I'd like to discuss something

Post 13

Researcher U1025853

Asian man just been shot on tube by police

After the events of yesterday, I'd like to discuss something

Post 14

Researcher U1025853

Sorry didn't mean to worry anyone, but it shows that the police are begining to win. That is if this isn't mis-identity - oh I hope not.

This could be the begining of the turn against the bombers though.

After the events of yesterday, I'd like to discuss something

Post 15


More breaking news: armed police have surrounded a mosque in east London... there's no details on the web yet though.

After the events of yesterday, I'd like to discuss something

Post 16


20 coppers chasing after you, some armed, plus plain clothes officers with automatics, you have to have done something fairly serious for that.

Bit worried about the 'unloaded 5 shots into him' report, but better wait and see what comes out of this.

Very disturbing though, but as Kaz says, shows the police/intelligence are getting info through.

Think I might go home early today. There might not be too many trains out of london!

(p.s. Guardian online has Scotland Yard confirming the shooting, but that's it).

After the events of yesterday, I'd like to discuss something

Post 17

Researcher U1025853

The Mosque is in Whitechapel Road and everyone has been told to stay indoors.

Hope you don't mind us discussing this on your journal VV. smiley - cuddle

After the events of yesterday, I'd like to discuss something

Post 18

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

and on it goes whilst everyone speculates...

After the events of yesterday, I'd like to discuss something

Post 19

Researcher U1025853

Its difficult not to speculate when it unfolds like this in front of you. I do appreciate it may not be the best thing to do though.

After the events of yesterday, I'd like to discuss something

Post 20

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

Oh, I'm not having a go!! I'm speculating too. It's human nature...they've definately got our attention haven't they

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