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I just didn't realise.....

Post 1

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

Quite how much the death of Bells would affect me.

I didn't know him or his family, yet when I heard a song on the radio I came close to tears thinking of his family. How strange.

I know I lost my father to cancer (not far off a year ago now) but I wasn't close to him....perhaps I'm grieving for them because of this, I don't know.

I've got nearly 2 months to go before I need to think about the first anniversary of my father's death, but I'm still unclear as to how I feel and how I should be feeling.

Mum and Dad have been a godsend to me. They've been strong for me and my sister and have tried to help me make decisions that would have been difficult to make on my own.

Mum. Dad. I love you both dearly and I'm so glad to have you both in my life.

I just didn't realise.....

Post 2


theres a lot we don't realise..strange creatures that we are smiley - hug

I just didn't realise.....

Post 3

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

Aren't we just....smiley - hug

I just didn't realise.....

Post 4


ho yus smiley - winkeye

makes life more interesting though!

I just didn't realise.....

Post 5

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

Doesn't it just...doesn't it just. smiley - smiley

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