A Conversation for Playing the Tuba in School

Advantages of the saxophone

Post 1


I must announce that for most people trying to pick the best instrument for school bands, I believe it's perceived coolness that's the critical factor.

The tuba, well, it kind of has connotations of reliability I suppose. But the saxophone; now there's a 'cool' instrument. If only I'd played the saxophone when in school bands, I'm sure the girls would have been much more impressed than with my wimpish clarinet smiley - wah. But then, I guess the gloss kind of wears thin with any instrument when you discover it actually takes work to get good, and i suppose the saxophone is pretty difficult. Actually, maybe I should have gone and put some effort in rather than wallowed in bitterness. Ok, so i'll stop my nostalgic regrets now smiley - cheerup

Advantages of the saxophone

Post 2


I certainly agree that the coolness factor is a big part of a beginning student's decision. After all, what else do they have to go on? Most children of that age have little idea of the differences among various instruments; for that matter, they've probably only even heard of a select few. I suppose that's one of the major reasons I wrote this guide entry. If I had been able to read this as a beginning tubist all those years ago, it might have really helped me to make a more informed decision.

But I do think it's interesting that you suggest saxophone as one of the coolest instruments. It illustrates, for me, how much the coolness of an instrument is influenced by the people who play it (at least, that was my experience in a relatively small school). At my high school, the most popular people were most highly represented in the trumpet and percussion sections, and it was generally the less socially disposed who were found on saxophone (and baritone, for that matter). I think that really colored the perceived coolness of the instruments in my band.

And as for the clarinet, I saw a really cool clarinet player at a rock concert last night, so it's not all bad. smiley - winkeye

And on a final, purely defensive note, I have to add that tuba was considered pretty cool at my high school. smiley - biggrin

Advantages of the saxophone

Post 3

sane rain meanders on

as far as im concerned, the trombone is the most ultimately uncool instrument. except for the bassoon. unless the bassoon is being in a humorous way. and the flute is a bit wussy. and flute players are unreliable, or at least the one's in our wind band were.
but obviously the clarinet is the greatest and will in the darkness bind them. no, not really, im just prejudiced. cos i play it. erghh! has anyone seen the grade 8 scale list?! looks like i'm gonna have a fun summer....

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