This is the Message Centre for what you know as km

the life of a hippo

Post 21



(look I got 'to' this time smiley - winkeye)

the life of a hippo

Post 22


the peppermint twist

the life of a hippo

Post 23

Classic Krissy


(leg. Gimmie another drink)

the life of a hippo

Post 24



(let this end soon smiley - winkeye)

the life of a hippo

Post 25

Classic Krissy


(we'll go for some beers when this is over)

the life of a hippo

Post 26


bazookas will sound in the pre-dawn light

D'Oh! That's not right. Balalaikas. Balalaikas, not bozookas.
Sorry. Won't happen again.

the life of a hippo

Post 27


Are bozookas things you shoot clowns with, or out of?

the life of a hippo

Post 28

Classic Krissy

Both, if you're lucky.

the life of a hippo

Post 29

what you know as km

Why, does he like being shot out of things?

the life of a hippo

Post 30


Probably smiley - winkeye

the life of a hippo

Post 31

Classic Krissy

Actually, no, he just hates clowns. And really, who doesn't?

the life of a hippo

Post 32


*bubster, the wily clown, goes off to sulk in his candy-striped tent*

the life of a hippo

Post 33

Classic Krissy

Awwwwww.... poor wiley clown.... I'm not 'ascared of YOU because you've never put on Very Scary Makeup and leered at me and honked things in my ear.

the life of a hippo

Post 34

what you know as km

Take it from me, you're missing out.

the life of a hippo

Post 35

Classic Krissy

*takes it from KM and runs away fast*

the life of a hippo

Post 36


I see we've stopped singing the song, unless these are new and strange lyrics smiley - winkeye

the life of a hippo

Post 37


*starts banging on a convenient garbage can*

New lyrics....this is a song about lyrics...yeah yeah...yeah.

the life of a hippo

Post 38

Classic Krissy

*prepares Spartus' sedative and white jacket*

*also prepares to blame the yoinking of KM's "it" on him*

tisk tisk tisk....

the life of a hippo

Post 39



the life of a hippo

Post 40

what you know as km

....hahahahahaha wipeout...

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