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Post 1

what you know as km

Heehee... sorry for the interruption... just dropping on to be an owl at you, because... er, well, because you're... there.

Erm... all right, I admit it... I didn't really come here to be an owl... I was just looking for an excuse to visit.

But I was pretty convincing, wasn't I?


Post 2


If I was a small burrowing rodent, I'd be outa here! Eeeeeeeeeeek!

Thanks for dropping by, though. smiley - smiley


Post 3


You should try bein a rabbit for a day, it's hard you know smiley - winkeye


Post 4

what you know as km

Oh, you must be joking—that's far beyond my range of... of... erm, of creature-being.

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