This is the Message Centre for JudeKat
not getting the hang of this?
Leopardskinfynn... sexy mama Started conversation Oct 17, 2002
Hi Mum
You might want to try checking your conversations which appear in the right hand column of your page. I replied to the conversation titled "rudeness" 3 times now, so you can just click on "reply" after my entry and write to me there. It will appear in your space as a conversation and it will also appear in mine, so don't worry I'll find you!
Or else you could always just reply to this message and it will appear in both of our conversation lists. Any time you want to talk to me, just click on "reply" to anything that I have written!
Or you could come to my personal space and leave me a message there, by clicking on "discuss this entry".
I think that's clear now....
not getting the hang of this?
JudeKat Posted Nov 4, 2002
You are quite right I am still confused. Cannot find the 'rudeness'
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not getting the hang of this?
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