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EF How To Look At Your Watch Without Anybody Noticing

Post 1


I have recently read the edited guide entry How To Look At Your Watch Without Anybody Noticing at A2522701 and there is a broken link at the bottom of the page that is linking to the BBC games. As there is no BBC games anymore the link doesn't work so the more links section needs to go.
Another is in the Signals paragraph and in the box the field where it says less than 59 minutes needs to be less than 60 minutes because otherwise there is no signal for 59 minutes.
It is a good edited guide entry. smiley - ok

EF How To Look At Your Watch Without Anybody Noticing

Post 2

The H2G2 Editors

Donesmiley - ok

EF How To Look At Your Watch Without Anybody Noticing

Post 3


Thankyou. smiley - cheers

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EF How To Look At Your Watch Without Anybody Noticing

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