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an old ACE come back from da dead

Post 21

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

smiley - zen

an old ACE come back from da dead

Post 22


Hi. i'm new in this type of forums, and i don't really know how to find conversations. i wonder if you can help me?

an old ACE come back from da dead

Post 23

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Hello and Welcome once again smiley - smiley

If you follow the links in your welcome message, it will help you find you way around Hootoo. In the meantime could try clicking on <./>MiscChat</.> and either joining in an established conversation (best to read the last couple of pages, as they sometimes have topic drift smiley - online2long), or you could start a thread of your own smiley - ok

On the intro page, you will see some more areas where you can have conversation.

Don't forget to mention you are new, then the others will take you under their wing smiley - winkeye

lil x

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