A Conversation for h2g2 Feedback

I GOT IN!!!!!

Post 21


The rejection email doesn't mean you got in; it means you were rejected. If you get in, you'll get an apology that your entry was not rejected.

I GOT IN!!!!!

Post 22


But I never got one of those, so explain that then smarty pants smiley - bigeyes


Post 23


This post has been removed.

I GOT IN!!!!!

Post 24


I'm hoping that they'll add a e-mail address field into the my details page, as the address I signed up with will not be with me much longer smiley - sadface

I GOT IN!!!!!

Post 25

Zach Garland

In that case, Benjy, they will simply suggest you reapply with a new email address. You'll have to transfer all your articles to the new account. smiley - sadface

I GOT IN!!!!!

Post 26


well, the editors have said that having more user preferences (such as changing e-mail address) should be comming soon (when they get back from Miliways, I'd guess)

I GOT IN!!!!!

Post 27

Zach Garland

Watch me as I hold my breath. smiley - smiley

I GOT IN!!!!!

Post 28


eek, you're going purple!

I GOT IN!!!!!

Post 29

Zach Garland

No you have me confused with the background of this site. Don't sweat it though, happens all the time.

I GOT IN!!!!!

Post 30


hmm - looks a kind of deep blue to me

I GOT IN!!!!!

Post 31


Sine, article is "Venus Fly Traps"

I GOT IN!!!!!

Post 32

Zach Garland

Blue.. purple.. The Powers That Be call it purple. I agree with you though it looks more blue than red.

I GOT IN!!!!!

Post 33


and the goo is a kind of blueypinkygreenyellowybronwnypurpley colour

I GOO IN!!!!!

Post 34

Zach Garland

I remember goo being mentioned in the old Infocom computer game at some point, but where in the books is goo mentioned? Why this fascination with goo? Why do the Powers That Be not use.. oh I don't know... BUTTONS like everyone else?

How to submit an entry

Post 35


What do you mean, wait a couple of days? I've been waiting for 6 weeks! smiley - sadface

How to submit an entry

Post 36


okay, that was quite an optimistic guess smiley - winkeye

How to submit an entry

Post 37

Zach Garland

Just remember the longer you wait the more you excrete so it's vitally important to get a reciept.

Or words to that effect. Look out for that zebra crossing.

How to submit an entry

Post 38


looks like a quagga to me

How to submit an entry

Post 39

Zach Garland

That's just what they want you to think it is.

How to submit an entry

Post 40


hey! Have they changed the link colours, or is it just me?

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