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Can't get on to this thread

Post 1

Moving On

http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/alabaster/F19585?thread=3503283&skip=0&show=20 to reply to any of the comments or to continue the conversation Hope I've got the right part of H2 to mention this! It happened since the 2nd (and unscheduled) "down" of the site (yesterday) Must be one that slipped thru the net, perhaps?

Can't get on to this thread

Post 2

aka Bel - A87832164

Evadne, the post you're trying to reply to is only in the cache, which means it got lost in the crash. If you reply to the post before ( benjaminpmoore's post), everyting is fine. It is all explained here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/brunel/F48000?thread=3522237 Bel

Can't get on to this thread

Post 3

aka Bel - A87832164

Evadne, I have copied and pasted the last post, so it isn't completely lost, and you should be able to reply again now.


smiley - somersault

Can't get on to this thread

Post 4

Moving On

Cheers B'el

Like I said on the other thread, it was the 2 replies AFTER the cut-copy paste rescue mission I'd have liked to have replied to. I could *see them, but the system wouldn't admit me.

They've probably got lost in the changeoversmiley - sadface Which is a pity because we'd actually got to a really *good bit. ben had just started the Answer...to Life...the Universe and *Everything!

It was right. It would have worked.......

But thanks anyway smiley - smiley

Can't get on to this thread

Post 5

aka Bel - A87832164

Sorry Evadne, that was the last post visible to me, or else I'd have cut and pasted the others too. smiley - smiley

Can't get on to this thread

Post 6

Moving On

Not a problem B'el. I wish I'd have thought to cut copy pasted them when I saw them - I only managed to get on them when I clicked a little marker stating there were -3 entries. It's disappeared since though.

I don't understand that, either, but it happened. Honest.

They're lost in the ether...foreversmiley - wah

Oh well. We'll cope, I guess!

Thanks again

Can't get on to this thread

Post 7

aka Bel - A87832164

You're welcome smiley - smiley

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