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Archival of the old Danny Wallace boards

Post 1


I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask about this, but I can't find anywhere else. I was a member of the Danny Wallace boards, which were closed when we moved to a new forum created by the production company of Leafstorm. When we moved we were told that the old boards would be closed but would be archived so we could still view them. At the minute any attempt to access them is redirected back to the Citizens Required homepage, so I was wondering if they are being deleted for good?

Archival of the old Danny Wallace boards

Post 2


In addition to this, I'd also like to know whether it is just the personal spaces od /dannywallace/ users, or all users that are unable to be accessed at this time?

Archival of the old Danny Wallace boards

Post 3

The H2G2 Editors

Hello there,

We can't speak for the Danny Wallace boards - the place to direct your queries is http://www.citizensrequired.com/unit/site/index.shtml We're unable to deal with this on h2g2. We do know, however, that those boards have closed.

To our knowledge the Danny Wallace messageboard didn't use the message centre feature - this could be why you're encountering problems with your Personal Space.

h2g2 Editors

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