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Drunken meanderings

Post 1

Digby, a dog that barks.

hello, howdy and hi.
I very pleased with myself for stumbling across your site. It has made the Alcohol I have consumed
this even tinge with the souls of the cells its has sufficated in a new and exciting way. I must admit
I had a terible time looking for that my home button when it didn't exist after I registered but with the mind of
a mouse trapped in maze I trudged on. I opened and closed browsers, rebooted and reconnected numerous time
and scrutinized every detail of text in the letter I recieved and eventualy read it. But now I'm verging on a new conundrum.
Please tell me how one's entries attain an official guide status and where I can find the reply to this.

the site is fantastic and I have longed for a such guide, but ecuse me because I am currently on my lunch break.

Drunken meanderings

Post 2

Blood Angel


Drunken meanderings

Post 3

Digby, a dog that barks.

I never intended to stop.

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