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Post 1

Phil Yabutz

Hi Editors
I want to do an entry on receiving Freeview in marginal areas which list no coverage in the postcode search. I get good digital reception in one of those with a decent aerial, booster and tallish mast from Winter Hill north of Manchester despite being 25 miles outside their stated radius. Falling snow and rain do cause occasional bad signals.
I can only say what I have done (very cheaply) and need to enlist some techie type co-researchers. As a h2g2 newbie where's the best place to post where I stand some chance of attracting them.
PS politically Sky is not an option even on a free to air package. I'm a BBC person.
Phil Yabutz
Researcher 3132857

Contact the h2g2 Editors

Post 2


You might want to go to Challengeh2g2 to pose the problem there. Or you can always pop round to <./>Askh2g2</.> and ask any questions necessary. The Science EXplained forum at A4108330 is also quite useful if you have science-related questions.smiley - smiley

Contact the h2g2 Editors

Post 3

Icy North

There used to be a BBCi messageboard for digital terrestrial questions. I haven't posted there for over a couple of years now, so I don't know if it's still around.

Also, lots of good freeview info and a forum at:

Good luck - let me know how you get on.

smiley - cheers

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