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Amelia Earhart piece

Post 1


In your piece on Amelia Earhart it was stated she left Lae airport at 10:22 AM. Where did this time come from? Is there documentation or was that just copied from some author's book?


Amelia Earhart piece

Post 2

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Do you mean this one A3694854 or this one A1012500?

Either way, you can contact the author by finding their name in the box at the top right hand corner of the entry, where it says "Written and researched by', clicking on that link and then leaving a message for them at their Personal Space.

In the case of the former, the author is still active on h2g2 and will be able to answer your question, but the author of the latter entry hasn't been seen on this manor since November 8, 2004, and I think we can assume that to all intents and purposes, he has left the building.

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