A Conversation for Technical Feedback

slight problem

Post 1


i keep getting erro unknown mesages when i move to threds, then if i go back and try again it works. also sometimes when i go to post it says i'm not sighned in but it has the sign out in the top right corrner and my space in the left, so it appers to know i'm in...also again if i go back i can contrebut on other pages.
erm whats going on?

slight problem

Post 2


Sometimes there are errors on the BBC servers which make it act as though people don't exist (or that their messages etc don't). Other times people are going to areas of the BBC for which they haven't registered yet. The various dna sub-sites have different skin colours and designs which can be a clue but those don't apply to people's personal space pages or journals. So some threads (on journals) can look quite "normal" until you actually try to post, when it suddenly won't let you because technically they are on a different sub-site than you've used before. Is it at all possible you were trying to post somewhere new like that?

slight problem

Post 3


unlikly, since i was in threds i'd alredy contrabuted to, untill i tryed to mantion the problem; that could have been a sub-sight. it was an italics personal space. but going back to my space ceped giving the error mesages, and i'm definitly loged in to go there...it seems to be working normaly now, though. but am on a diffrent conection.

slight problem

Post 4

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit still calculating the quality for yesterday
"It is to be expected sometimes pages time out on one system or the other. If you do a request for a page it has to travel along several servers before the DNA database receives the request.
On the way back the page goes along several servers again.

I think I had yesterday one error in about five hundred requests. smiley - ok

Good to see the report anyway. We have a dedicated 'Downtime' thread, on the hub < <./>/dna/hub/feedback</.> >. The more serious server problems have a site wide impact and the hub is supposed to be the central place for such discussions. smiley - winkeye"

slight problem

Post 5


it was pickig on me then. i had 3 in about 50 smiley - cry bully suvrvers

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